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Chinese Chess set.Bought in Hong Kong 70's

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (155 items)

    I love the tiles on the chess set.They depict Chinese scenes such as chinese cherry blossom trees and mountains.The chess pieces are carved stone.I'm not sure what type.They aren't soapstone though.

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    1. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 12 years ago
      Wow, I lived in Hong Kong from 1969 to 79!!! Loved it there. Nice set!
    2. Zowie Zowie, 12 years ago
      That I can help you with as I own a set myself or believe I still do I thought I had a picture to put down myself & was just looking for it. Getting back to what it is made of it's called Soap Rock can chip very easy & not something I have seen often as for era sorry I cannot help been trying to find that out myself. Good luck on your great item.
    3. ATTWOOD ATTWOOD, 12 years ago
      I don't think they are soap rock.I have a few other things made from it and this is not like that at all.Leaves no waxy residue like soapstone or rock.This was kept in a glass cabinet all it's life and was bought in 70s new I think.
      This is the 2nd one I have owned the 1st had wooden pieces and I sold it because I liked this one better.I sold it to someone in Melbourne & I believe I saw it on "The Block" as a prop.Unles identical.Thanks for comments
    4. Zowie Zowie, 12 years ago
      How about we agree to disagree if I still have mine & when it can be pulled out from were ever it is packed I'll get a photo of it but do not have a board only pieces. I still love it. It's also possible that the person that told us ours was soap rock was wrong but they have been dealing in this line for some time & since move have lost contact.
    5. ATTWOOD ATTWOOD, 12 years ago
      yes Zowie.I think i have seen soap stone ones with the same board many years ago.I hope you find yours.
    6. Zowie Zowie, 12 years ago
      I asked my partner & he told me we never posted up so ours was sold would of loved to have kept it. Oh well must be better things to come in time.
    7. Luckylady Luckylady, 7 years ago
      I have one exactly like this set. Mine is not soap stone. I am very familiar with soap stone. I traded a Wii for mine. The pieces has never been used still wrapped in cellophane. Someone purchased as a collector item, not to have used. The wood box has scuffs on outside of it.

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