Posted 12 years ago
(128 items)
Made of large burl wood .Species unknown .The handle rotates the top piece of wood .Material is fed through the center at the top and gets ground between 2 metal plates with series bumps gets ground and comes out of a hole and falls into the tray.
Very heavy.I do not know where this came from .
Bought it at an auction.
The piece on the side does not regulate the flow of material out.
The material goes into the center at the top gets ground as the top piece spins and falls out the side into the round tray or bowl.
Walksoft this is one for you to solve . He very good at these old machines . He will be along soon I imagine . I do love it . Great post !
Could it be a wheat grinder? Found a 'modern' site with wooden ones-seemed kinda of similar in it's own way.
Curious to know too!
I'm not sure if this is a grain mill, I don't know why it would need such a long handle.
Where does the handle attach?
The piece on the side, does it regulate flow of material to the plates?
Picture #2, is that the hole where the product comes out
Could you replace picture #3 with a picture of the plates.
The handle goes through the hole as shown in photo #1
Does the handle rotate in the hole?
The handle pivots in the hole and causes the top piece to rotate in a horizontal plane .Sort of like an old steam train has an eccentric shaft on the drive wheels.
I think this may be for rice.
Definitely mill plates.
Link to an image;
Walksoftly You are right on the money .Thank You.
You're welcome andyman, glad to help!
Not sure that I would of worked on this mystery as long as I did, but Manikin forced me into it! :-)
Three cheers for walksoftly! :-)
Good going Bro ! I knew you could do it :-) sorry I made you work today on your day off:-) ! Kudo's and andy great post of something we don't get to see !
Thanks Bonnie:-)
Mani, I should have been out working, but this was more fun! :-)
Great post Andy, you do manage to find some unique items!
Hello, I saw something similar to this just this summer. I believe it to be Middle Eastern. Considering the somewhat small size, and hole in collection bowl, I think it is for milling ripe olives to obtain and collect the oil. Thanks for showing, RICK
Rick3335 Thank You for the info, I will do some research in that direction.Will post updates .
You are welcome, Can't tell for sure, but it looks like by length of handle it may (also) be used as a press. In other words the burr plate, ( metal plate ) was used to break down the olives into smaller pieces then the plate was also used as a press plate to squezze out the oil. This would somewhat explain the length of that handle to provide for more leverage, for the pressing process. I am assuming the handle rotates 360, as well as moving up and down.