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Field Rocks

All items176822 of 245740Raw 1899 Morgan Silver DollarChicken watererererer
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (766 items)

    Walksoftly once said that picking rocks was the worst job on the farm,well I don't mind it ...well as many as we "grow"here,I have no choice!So what do you do with ALL of them,make "flower beds" that you don't have to water!lol
    BTW this is a SSSSSSSSMMMMMMMAAAAALLLLLL portion of the rocks I've picked up,and some not so small!I will post more after the crops are off.
    These rocks are around our old farm house that we use for storage,and on the floor (pic#1)of the old ,long gone "smoke house".
    Thanks for looking!


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