Posted 12 years ago
(759 items)
Earlier this morning I went to the garage, found some stuff to take to Vinnies and then found a few pieces that I had put away about ten years ago. This was in the bottom of a chest of glass. I had found it years ago at the Rozelle markets one Saturday morning. It was only a dollar or so if I remember correctly.
But I never really knew exactly what I had bought.
I am still none the wiser, so I am asking for your input.
It looks like a three sided candlestick, ......
..... but then maybe it is a vase?
Perhaps it is 'end of day' piece?
It has a ground foot and it has a pastille added over the pontil.
The iridescence is strong all over as I hope you can see in these photos.
The lip has some three tool marks.
Height: 21 cm or 8.2"
Width: 9.5 cm or 3.8" at the widest point
And it has a whopping crack across the bottom too. It doesn't extend up the piece it is part of the making I think. Totally imperfect!
Many thanks to BREWSTER for the solve on this one ......
"Hi Kevin. That is unmistakeably the work of the noted West Australian glass artist Gene Polt (now deceased)."
Thought I'd add some more pix to show the nature of the glass on this vase whatever candlestick.
Gorgeous my friend...WOWO!
Stunning piece ,love this very much Kevin:)!!! no markers marks of any kind?
Very unique! Love the melted drip look!
Hi Charlie! Looks like candle wax!
it does look like a candle wax !!! I agree with charlies comment!!!!
It could well be a local piece, Leah! But the regular suspects here would sign. Chris Pantano and Colin Heaney are the two I mean.
Beautiful!! I think it is a vase! Looks like pre-historic ocean with creatures swimming or crawling around! And volcanic eruptions! With lava! It is 2:07 am! I better sleep! My mind is running wild!!
Rest well! Thanks again, Don!
Many thanks JayHow!
Many thanks MattyG, inky and to you as well dasullywon!
It is awesome! I love the way the drips are going up in areas seeming to defy gravity. Beautiful iris.
Many thanks Dr Fluffy and to you too FlederMaus for your generous comments!
It reminds me of the art nouveau glass as well:)
Hi Kevin (vetraio50) Could it be that when they removed it from the pontil rod that it made a hole in the bottom and they plugged it with a patch of molten glass? You could probably see it by looking through the opening. I had never seen an under-base pontil like this. I also lean towards studio glass but I love the colors and treatment of the piece. BOB
Wow V! I hope this didn't go to the charity shop! What else is in this intriguing sounding "chest of glass"?
Many thanks for the loves from smiata, gargoylecollector, Loumanal, czechman and Phil too!
Many thanks Loumanal. I agree with you about the making of it, thanks. Amber I also found some early Oiva Toikka glasses that were an early purchase on ebay and a couple of nice pieces ... a Hoglund decanter and a really chunk Boda glass.
you should be keeping those and posting them Kevin!!!!
I'm sorting through some more boxes to free up the clutter, Sean. I have had to be ruthless. But I need my dining area back! Those boxes have to go!
Many thanks nldionne!
Wow, pretty bad if you have stuff you didn't remember. I'd love to come and dig through boxes.
Beautiful Vet ! love the colors too . xoxo
Many thanks Manikin, Amber, czechman, gargoylecollector, smiata, Phil, walksoftly and nldionne too!
Kevin would you have a look at this post
Hi walksoftly I have had a brief look at it. Unusual. At first thoght those marks were Arabic, but!!!! .........
I turned them to get a look from each angle but still couldn't make out what they were!
Thanks for having a look.
Many thanks Slave to the G!
Judging by all the Loves - you should keep it!! Tis Lovely!
Many thanks Justanovice!
It will retire to the keepers, I suppose.
Hi Kevin is the drip a metal slag or is it paint of a type.
Hi Zowie! It's all glass!
That's spinney it doesn't look it , it must be the eyes.
I know it is laid on thick!
I took some indoor photos and might do a second posting on it?
I've added some more pix here:
Many thanks mikelV!
Many thanks musikchoo!
That would be great Kevin I'm still working on Email or see if you can give it ago from your side & see what happens. It's on the top of my page the write up. I'll tak yours out & resubmit & see what happens
Many thanks Deanteaks and smiata too!
many thanks TOM61375!
Many thanks AIMATHENA, I'm KEV!
Many thanks ALDO78!
What a great find.
Its gorgeous.
Many thanks VINTAGEFRAN!
I came across a candlelabra while we were away at the meseum will have to post I haven't seen one like it since I was a kid
Look forward to seeing it Zowie!
Done my friend
Many thanks NORDICMAN!
Many thanks BRATJDD & ZZEPPELIN too!
Many thanks AGHCOLLECT!
Many thanks BRATJDD!
Many thanks ANTIQUEROSE!
Many thanks ELISABETHAN!
Many thanks LISE!
Many thanks GLUECHIP!
Many thanks LISE!
Many thanks ANTIQUEROSE!
Many thanks NITTYGRITTY!
Many thanks ANNA B !!!! !!!! !!!!
Many thanks AURA !!! !!!! !!!
Many thanks OROYOROY !!!!!!!
Many thanks NOUVEAUDECO !!! !!!! !!!
Many thanks WINDWALKER !!! !!!!! !!!
Many thanks OROYOROY !!!
Many thanks MOONHILL !!!!
Many thanks WINDWALKER !!!!!
lol reading all the post is funny see thing you said about getting a room back...ya we are at that same point ...smiling .. have a great weekend ..
Many thanks LAZYBOY !.!!!.!
Many thanks VCAL & BHIFOS !!!!!