Posted 12 years ago
(51 items)
Never thought much of this small matchbox size coke truck, untill I saw one sell on ebay for over $150. I don't see much value in it even tho it is corgi. Can anyone tell me some more info on this truck?
Well, You got me excited .... I have these new in the package. I had to go check and all I found was $1.79 to 5.00 range. They are from late 70's to early 80's and called Corgi Juniors.
wow thought so. one sold for 150 on ebay tho so i skepical!
that was blown out off proportion! thanks for the warning
wow people really believe that tho? crazyyy. what a scammer
OH MY! That guy should be banned from selling online. There were two bidders, you would have thought one of them would of had enough sense to search for another one.
The speed wheels on these should tell anyone they are not "OLD"
for sure! thats why i was shocked and needed the info from fellow collectors
im looking at his other items and your right TGBWC!
Purely a case of uninformed bidders-- I see nothing wrong with the seller.
While his past listing may have been inacurrate, I wouldn't call the vague term of "very old" inacurrate.
Old is a relative term and many today would consider something from the 70s or 80s to be very old.
Buyer got what he deserved!
I collect hotwheels, so I'm not really a Corgi expert, but things like variations to the toy may rise the price....I.E. interior color, wheel/hub design, where it's made, exterior color..etc. Hotwheels may look the same but be very different in price based on variations...maybe this has one I don't know about. Just my 2 cents. Jim