Posted 12 years ago
(3 items)
Hi there, I love this bear, but I don't know ANYTHING about him :0(
He is missing a label on his back so I don't even know his manufacturer. He seems to have a small huntched back. Please if you have ANY information about him I would LOVE to know. Age? manufacturer? anything! Thank you so much in advance.
He is a cutie for sure. Do you know if his plastic nose is original? Are his eyes glass or plastic? Glass eyes would place him likely 1950's, or earlier but the plastic nose seems 1960's. By his look, fur and body style I would say an English bear, but I collect mostly German bears so I can not pinpoint his maker. I love his big ears! Enjoy him, he looks like he will clean up nicely.
Thank you so much bearchamp. I think he has plastic eyes and nose, when I squeeze him he is scrunchy....straw maybe?
Likely excelsior, a type of wood wool shavings although many British bears were also stuffed with kapok, a soft plant stuffing kind of like cotton batting. It looks like he had a growler from the square area on his backside. Does he clunk when you shake him? :)
He doesn't make a noise, but he does look sewn up the back, would the square of had a manufacturers name on as it seems faded in colour compared to the rest of him? Thanks