Posted 12 years ago
(676 items)
Carstens Gräfenroda was founded in 1919 by Christian Carstens and was part of a multi-branched Carstens company whose factories played a significant role in german ceramics industry of the era.
The Graefenroda factory was famous for the Spritzdekor (airbrush) and painting techniques and for their modern shapes and decorations. the models used were supposed to be designed by Artur Hennig and his students at the Keramische Fachschule Bunzlau.
Wow, a Carsten's version too! If it was glass they would be calling it Futurist! Love Spritzdekor! Do they date to the Depression, c. 1930.
yes, should be from the 1930s. this kind of "futuristic" spritzdekor is quite rare to find. it has been banned by the nazis as entartete kunst (degenerate art). therefore it has been produced for a short period of time only. the later spritzdekor shows flowers and stuff like that...
Wow, this is gorgeous!