Posted 12 years ago
(306 items)
Here are my ivory necklaces. I had some more that I sold and I feel bad I did.
I always have sellers remorse ;-)
You can clearly see the schreger lines in the third picture.
The big necklace in the first picture was the first one I got. I inherited it from my grandmother. We had family in Congo during the fifties and sixties and my grandmother visited them, so thats where this necklace came from. The others I bought second hand. These are all old necklaces. I dont feel bad buying ivory second hand. The elephants didn' t die for me. They probably were death long before I was born.
I have some other ivory jewelry that I will post later.
Thanks DrFluffy, vetraio50, valentino and moonstonelover.
I think the stains come from natural ageing, sunlight and oil in your skin. You cant do really much about it although I was able to remove a really dirty stain on the largest bead by lightly polishing it. You should always keep it in a place where temperature and humidity dont change much because that causes it to crack (I have some experience with that, sadly)
Agram and Thoscahaba, thank you for loving my necklaces