Posted 12 years ago
(1232 items)
As if paintings and prints weren't hard enough on wall space, now I have to make room for this. I love clocks, especially the chiming and striking ones. I found this one at GW this morning. I liked the quality. Everything is brass finished metal, domed ,beveled and etched glass, all in a red oak case. Plus it had the key which is always nice. Imagine my surprise when I got it home an looked online to find it's Chinese! There really is no D&E clock company. These clocks were assembled from parts in China, Korea and US and then assembled who know where. I got most of the info from: National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors
They are actually a very good clock and they were sold through J.C. Penney. I cleaned the case and glass up a bit and as soon as I hung it on the wall it began to tick, even without the pendulum ! The chime and strike uses a coiled gong and it really" bongs" Not something you want to listen to all night in the same Unfortunately there is no silent mode for night time. I'll let it run and see if it lasts the 31 days it's suppose to -Mike-
Well this clock doesn't seem to need any attention. Runs like a champ and keeps pretty good time too. Matches the clock on the computer give or take 30 seconds. No big deal. Now my little Hermle mantle clock is another story but I think I finally got that running good too and ready to return to it's case after about a month of coaxing and oiling ! :)
Day four...So far so good...tick tock.. tick tock.....bong !