Posted 12 years ago
(2 items)
From what I can tell one half of this dollar is a single layer and the other half seems to be two layers of paper glued together. I've done some research but need a little more help. Any one know how this could have happened? Thanks a bunch!
Looks like a homemade creation. The cut line looks more like someone tore it in half on the crease. The bottom looks to have been glued down. The bottom corner in the third picture seems to be lifting. Probably part of a 50/50 deal that went well.
It has a little water damage that's why it is a little wrinkly on the bottom. Thanks for the comment, but I'm sure it's not home made.
Yes you have a nice find. Crain & Co. makes the paper in giant rolls, that are cut in thirds, and then into sheets. Some of the processes may utilize a continuous feed, or you have the beginning of the roll which stuck to the edge of another. Cool piece.
TubeAmp, do you know anything about the experimental web printing process that was used in the 90s? It involved printing from continuous rolls and I know that when making rolls of paper sometimes the manufacturer needs to splice 2 lengths together to finish a roll and fill a clients specific order. I suspect this bill was printed right on the splice of one of these rolls. Thoughts?
Notes produced on the Web Press do not have 32 subject sheet numbers, as you correctly stated they were a continuous sheet of paper printing process. What I wrote earlier was oversimplified. In the Crane & Co. Plant. The paper after it is made, has several production paths to meet the standards of their contract with the BEP. One of these steps includes dipping the entire sheet of paper in a sizing bath, dry it again and re-roll it before it is inspected and taken to the cutting room. I believe it was in one of these steps that a torn roll, or end of roll was spliced, but not marked with green ink to signal that this part was to be recycled as scrap. Therefore it was cut to standard size, and made it's way to the BEP in Washington D. C. Where it was printed on and missed by all of their additional quality controls.
I hope that helps you,
TubeAmp, thanks for your help. So would this be a missprint?
Yes, absolutely. The BEP sells the notes to the Federal Reserve System. Their goal is perfection. Clearly this not. I would have it graded from one of the currency grading lads that specialize in error notes. Not only will it certify that it is a genuine error, but it will also seal and protect the note. But it's yours and entirely up to you ;)
Great find,
TubeAmp, could you look at my additional post showing a mark on the back side of the dollar? Do you think this is the mark that was supposed to mark this dollar as scrap? This is the end of roll green ink mark. I have seen quality control make marks on rejects and some just crumpled them and tossed in a hamper. I guess it depends on the issue at hand. Some printing problems self correct, requiring no adjustment to the press, and others need to be seen by a supervisor in order to get a press operator a football field away to adjust the ink fountain, or change out the plates...
A professional grading company will be able to answer these questions.