Posted 12 years ago
(1 item)
I found this old coffee table at a garage sale and was going to paint big roses on it but then I thought maybe it was an antique and I didn't want to ruin it. It has some numbers underneath and I think it says KEN -1559A
It has a nice little slide out tray. I think it might be cherry wood? Any help would be appreciated.
The kidney shape jogs my mind...but I am old. Is the top soft to the touch like being padded yet firm? I wouldn't alter it just yet.
I took another peek at the under side. Those under side pictures really help. This was made in a factory and probably mass produced. However, even the secondary wood looks to be hardwood. You don't find secondary wood being hardwood in cheap furniture. Right now I would guess this is well after WWII. More research would be nice before you start to modify it because many of these went out of style and to the dump to make way for new. We have a kidney shaped make up desk/dresser that is from around 1948 that belonged to my wife's mother that had a similar top, 9 drawers and a mirror. The construction and wood is quite similar. Not sure if there is any branding on it. It is one of those things that will be here until we go and someone will throw it to the curb.
To fhrjr2, Thank you so much ..I am not sure how to reply so I hope that you get this. It was so nice of you to take the time to send me this information.