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grenade ? age

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (269 items)

    hi I think it is a practice grenade, it seems very old , the top of it has a bunch of numbers , and on the side has r f x and a 5 and a 12 would anyone know the age of this thank you

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      WW2 style Mk2 pineapple dummy grenade body (hole in the bottom). Could be a modern cast-- hard to tell from photos.

      The practice fuse looks modern (blue paint). If complete it is a little dangerous and will make a boom.

    2. lundy lundy, 12 years ago
      well ill pull the pin ,I may not be able to let you know if the boom was loud or not thanks scott
    3. pickrknows pickrknows, 12 years ago
      Here's a good use for these lundy,,,
    4. kerry10456 kerry10456, 12 years ago
      Evening lundy, missed this posting somehow. As a Mos-6531 Marine, the color "Blue" in military ordnance means inert. Or commonly called practice. These were used in Bootcamp and AIT for the fresh recruits to get a feel for this type of ordnance, before getting their chance to handle a "live" piece. Instructors would take a Newbie and go through all the procedures at the range, make them pull the pin, yell "granade" throw it and duck down behind the wall. after they were confident in the safety of the person , they would do it for real. neat piece, loved seeing one again.
    5. kerry10456 kerry10456, 12 years ago
      Note as Scott stated, this could be a danger, the primer fuse might not be spent. don't pull the pin indoors ,or hold in hand, if you wish to check, find a big ditch away from everything, pull the pin with one hand, holding the lever down with the other, throw in ditch and duck down behind something large and listen for the "BOOM", if nadda happen, wait at least 30 minutes before retrieving it. Or don't pull the pin period, that would be my suggestion
    6. lundy lundy, 12 years ago
      thank you guys , I wont pull the pin this week , maybe next week ,
    7. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      If you take a photo of the bottom to show inside-- should be able to tell if it is live.

      Also the entire fuse top will screw out-- could unscrew it and take a picture as well.

      It is a quick and easy way to see if it will still work or if it was already used.

    8. lundy lundy, 12 years ago
      I thought it would not be live with a hole in the bottom
    9. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Could be a live TRAINING fuse-- the grenade BODY is a dummy grenade.

      Training fuses make a loud noise and would be dangerous if someone/ something is near the bottom of the grenade-- where all of the fuse energy exits.

    10. Samovar88 Samovar88, 12 years ago
      They still sell these at military shows, swap meets and army surplus stores. The ones I have seen at these events have the primers removed, but it is safer to have a knowledgeable person check.
    11. lundy lundy, 12 years ago
      ya I have no idea if its live , thank you ,
    12. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      what a very fun TOY:) LMAO!
    13. Kollector Kollector, 11 years ago
      While serving in the navy An exercise was going on at the Fantail (rear of ship)of the destroyer I served on. (DD780)...A radioman went back there for some reason. He picked up one of the grenades and unscrewed the primer handle assy, removing the assembly from the grenade . Then he pulled the pin. While trying to pit the pin back in the assy . The primer exploded and blew off 3 fingers on his left hand plus a few fragments in his chest and face. He got a medical discharge and 30% disability I heard!!!!!!
      The primers are highly explosive. Blue on a military ordance piece usually means it is inert or for practice. on most hand grenades there is a small hole near the hole for the pull pin where one can insert a pin (size of a small nail) that is a safety. The main pin can be pulled and the safety pin holds the spring loaded hammer from hitting the primer. Similar to a pistol primer that sets off the fuse to the secondary primer ..Fuse time can be 5 to 10 seconds. The safety pin is used when grenade is manufactured to hold the hammer cocked when the whole thing is assembled and the handle and pull pin is installed. Safety pin is removed prior to packing. Or so I have been told. BOF...
    14. lundy lundy, 11 years ago
      wow that's interesting. Thank you very much kollector
    15. southcop southcop, 11 years ago
      Dummy grenade!!

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