Posted 12 years ago
(4 items)
Hi Guys,Found this porcelain flower basket with lid today in the charity shop in county durham england paid 2.00 pound for it was sitting on the top shelf court my eye think its lovley,its marked capodimonte with a crown and a n mark measures about 12 inches high and wide great condition what i can see,can any body tell any history about it age ect,Thanks Again Dave
Because its lacking the "Made in Italy" mark, it is either very old or a modern Chinese copy. I Couldn't find the same mark in my search.
Have you washed it? it looks like it has tobacco stains, but maybe its just the photo. You can use a mild washing up liquid to clean it.
Hi Mary,Thanks for the reply been trying to find the the same markings but can not see any the same,its is a bit dirty/stained was worried what to use but thanks for tip i will give it a clean and see what i can find,Thanks Again
You can let it soak. If it's a genuine piece, the coloured glazes were added before firing, so will not be harmed
OK, I found a similar mark from Carlo Mollica, 1900-40, but the pieces also have an impressed mark saying "Made in Italy". Does your have any other marks on it?
Hi Mary,Sorry for the late response give it a clean but can not see any impressed marks made in italy,possibly not as old as i thought and not made in italy does look old though any idears ,Thanks Again
Hi Corgi, just because it doesn't have made in Italy on it doesn't make it not right. Most Porcelain factories only started I sling the Made in very late in the 19th and beginning of the 20th century due to a variety of reasons but in the main because of import confusion, war and protectionism by governments...
It's a shame in a way that you did give it such a good clean up because dirt is one thing we look for in specific places to help with the age ascertain..but everyone wants to clean
I would love to see your pot in good lighting..I see it was some time ago that you originally posted and I think Aghcollect has been doing a beautiful job of putting lovely items in front of us all, those who may have missed it the first time...
I think the quality of workmanship on the flowers discounts a fake. And the shape is outstanding. The shape looks quite good for being Victorian however they did do remakes in the 1920's onward.
I wonder if you've had any luck since you posted?