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I’ve uploaded a new profile picture of me among some favorite flowers along a path thru my flower least all that labor can have a reward! My original I’ve uploaded a new profile picture of me among some favorite flowers along a path thru my flower least all that labor can have a reward! My original profile picture is a long-lost object of my affection: a 14 karat gold Ladies’ Bulova wristwatch called Her Excellency, Model K, made in 1948. I made the picture of the watch on my dear mother’s wrist after I gave it to her in 2014. It had belonged to my aunt, then to me, then I gave it to my mother. I knew the watch would come back to me after my mom’s life was over, however, as it can happen with heirlooms, when the time came for me to reclaim the watch, it had vanished. I spent a year scouring web sites for a replacement, to no avail. The only information I have found is a print of a 1948 magazine ad for Bulova watches. The ad pictures the watch, identifies it by name and model letter, states: 21 jewels, yellow 14K gold but also available in white gold. Original price was $59.50. Research let me find out that Bulova made many variations to their watches and some variations were poorly documented or that information has been lost over the years. I actually grieved over the loss of the watch but researching it is what lead me to CW and gave me plenty of other items to think about! I recently retired after a long career as an RN. Now I stay busy with dollhouses and flowers, mainly. (Read more)


  1. I love the "strangemess" of the design. Hypnotic, mesmerizing.
  2. I love it even more because of the little storage space!
  3. Your GGGrandmother did a nice job with the quilt top. When the backing is attached by tying it at interals with yarn, I believe that it is referred to as a "tied" quilt.
  4. hypnotic and even a bit spooky, but just what one can expect from our cats. I give it a meow (love)!
  5. Wow! That red leather sofa and chairs and antique table! The entire room is beautiful.
  6. I wore my eclipse glasses and watched it from Georgia …awesome!
  7. Marin, you can be counted upon to acquire the most interesting and loveliest glass! It's name describes it perfectly.
  8. If you will edit your photos dimensions a tad then repost the edited versions, they will show up correctly oriented. Thats about all I can help you with, assuming you have already Googled the name on...
  9. Thanks to all 18 members who have given this post a LOVE!
  10. Phil, I appreciate your response and agree with all you said.....I do feel like a family historian, along with my sister who posts pictures and documents on And you are so right ab...
  11. I love the touching story, the picture of family with their car and little boy who seems to be providing entertainment with a harmonica, and the beautifully displayed jewelry. I, too, lost some jewel...
  12. Those are some “eggseptional” bunnies, so artistic!
  13. What a deal! Lucky you. I love it!
  14. What a beauty! That must have been quite the wrestling match to hang that huge thing by yourself.
  15. Very cool!
  16. I don’t know the maker but, by the very skinny neck, I think this is a weed pot….not glazed inside, so do not add water.
  17. I regret I cannot read the text but I DO love the pictures.
  18. I wish u would post an additional pic with a circle drawn around the owl….everything looks like tree bark to me.
  19. Neat as can be! The finials on the roof make it extra special and cute.
  20. Truly a thing of beauty, yet utilitarian.
  21. Mike’s grandma loved him dearly.
  22. It’s beautiful among the flowers! I must admit you have me stumped regarding the name of the flowers…..I’ve never seen them in my area. I’d love for you to tell me their name.
  23. I have something like that in my jewelry making supplies. It has come n handy for various tedious repairs over the years.
  24. I come across turtles on my property occasionally; it’s always a treat to see them. I enjoyed your post!
  25. The green oblong thing with rounded ends might have been to smoothe a seam open (rather than press it open). The leather-looking thing with numerous loops looks as if it would hold the sewing items t...
  26. It would be a lot easier on my old eyes if the items were photographed on a solid color background. The items with hooked ends look like button hooks….for grasping the button shank and pulling it thr...
  27. Beautiful album! My parents had beautiful handwriting because Penmanship was a subject taught in school.
  28. Oops! I see u answered my question while I was typing it.
  29. I looks SO well made. I hope you can research it and find some movie in which it was worn. Very cool!! How/Where did you acquire it?
  30. What a wonderful tribute to your dad. Please tell us more about him!
  31. That must be incredibly warm!!!
  32. Those glazes were very popular in the ceramic shops that were prevalent in the 70s….I made a few things with that same red speckled glaze. Making your own ceramic items was a common hobby then.
  33. Ralph, I’m so, sorry for your loss. God bless you n the awful time. Patricia
  34. I immediately noticed there are no dogwood blossoms here. Dogwood blossoms have only 4 petals.
  35. A wonderful useful toy that still touches your heart! I’ve never seen one like it. :^)
  36. My older sister accidentally got her hand squished painfully in the wringer of our granny’s wringer washer when we were children. I suppose having a child size wringer could teach a very valuable les...
  37. Back then, every guy who deemed himself cool had a CB radio!
  38. I have a distant memory of that being played frequently on the radio when I was a child.
  39. That picture of Johnson! Oh dear. I feel bad for the refugee who is probably making an appeal for help.
  40. I later realized some of the swirls around the star are actually the design of the tablecloth visible thru the glass. Silly me! Still love it tho.
  41. The entire piece is beautiful but the star at the bottom with all the swirls is mesmerizing.
  42. The marked the VIPs. Very Important Places.
  43. Wow! So cool to imagine herbal components for medicines being measured with your scale. Or maybe gold nuggets! Even better! ;^D
  44. Thomas, I am sure that man was honored and surprised to have you recognize and appreciate his bicycle! He will probably be talking about his encounter with you for the rest of his life. You surely m...
  45. What beautiful people and lovely plants and pots!
  46. Thank you all for the comments and loves!
  47. thanks to all for the comments and loves!
  48. Thanks to all for your sweet comments and loves!
  49. A heartfelt Thank You to the 17 members who gave this post a Love. I appreciate you all.
  50. Thanks to all for the loves you gave my jacket! I wonder how many men today would wear it in their home towns? ;^D
  51. See more