Antique and Vintage Frogs and Toads

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It shouldn’t be surprising that frogs have been endowed with magical powers in mythology and folklore all over the globe. They begin their lives as fresh-water tadpoles, breathing through gills on their necks, then transform completely into...
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It shouldn’t be surprising that frogs have been endowed with magical powers in mythology and folklore all over the globe. They begin their lives as fresh-water tadpoles, breathing through gills on their necks, then transform completely into adulthood, as they sprout legs and live near, but mostly outside of, the water in which they were born. As adults, frogs breathe and drink through their strange, moist, and slippery skin. They spend most of their days dormant and relaxed, but can hop to surprising heights. When threatened, the only defense they have is to swell up to a much larger size—shockingly, this simple ruse works. Their eyesight is so poor, they’ve been known to accidentally consume another frog. And during the spring mating season, the male frog greets the twilight with a specific song—less charitably called a croak—to beckon a mate. When a female hops over, the male grabs her and doesn’t let go all night, until her eggs have been released and he’s fertilized them. Toads also start out as tadpoles, and because of this similarity they are often confused with frogs, but toads are a distinct amphibian species. Toads have drier, wartier skin, and often wander far away from the water where they were born to live in fields, woods, or gardens, returning only to mate. When toads are threatened, they’ll often shoot venom out of their skin. Throughout history, the toad has been the red-headed stepchild to the frog. While frogs were considered attractive, friendly bringers of good luck—though they come in a wide array of sizes and colors, we picture them as benign green animals, ribbeting away on lilypads—toads are considered ugly and threatening. Indeed, the Christian church considered toads downright evil in the 16th and 17th centuries. That’s why most talismans, ornaments, amulets, and other amphibian-themed artifacts tend to feature frogs rather than toads. With their strange song, frogs were believed to bring the rain and the spring, messengers...
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