Vintage Costume Bracelets

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Trendspotting: Piling on the Vintage Bracelets

You can stay incredibly up-to-date and stylish while wearing costume jewelry. I prefer vintage pieces for several reasons. For one, the quality is better. Secondly, they're not made in China (it’s shocking how many “American” brands are made overseas). Lastly, I usually find these items at great prices. Take this current trend: Layering those bangles and bracelets. Within the last few days, I have seen this look in a "Glamour" magazine photo spread,  a Subaru commercial, and on a segment...

Carole Tanenbaum on Costume Jewelry's 'Wow' Factor

My husband and I have many collections. We were in London at one point in the ’80s, and I saw a fabulous collection of vintage costume jewelry. Each item was like a little object of art. I bought about two dozen pieces, including some wonderful early Chanels that are virtually impossible to find today, and several pieces by Dior and Hobe. That really got me started. Because I had begun at the high-end, but didn’t know it, I developed an eye for pieces that had great integrity. As a...

Christie Romero on Differences Between Fine and Costume Jewelry Over the Decades

I started out with general antiques and collectibles... I was a dealer for a while and bought and sold all kinds of things. Gradually jewelry became my focus. In the mid-1980s I started getting serious, and in 1988 I started teaching small classes, workshops, and seminars, primarily on costume jewelry but also some fine jewelry. Vintage costume jewelry was just beginning to take off as a collectible. Up until that time, most people thought it was junk. They didn’t understand what it was...