Vintage Danish Mid-Century Modern Style Furniture

For the Love of Danish Modern Furniture
By Maribeth Keane and Bonnie Monte — I grew up with antiques, mostly English, and I've lived around the world and traveled a lot as well. Art had always been a passion of mine. Then I discovered furniture when I was living in Switzerland. I saw a set of Danish Modern chairs by a designer and architect named Ole Wanscher at a show. That was in the early '90s before the market for these things really started taking off, before anybody really knew what some of this stuff was. I fell in love with those chairs, and the rest is...

Eames, Nelson, and the Mid-Century Modern Aesthetic
By Maribeth Keane — In this interview, Steve Cabella talks about collecting the work of designers Charles and Ray Eames, and about the mid century modern movement. As a teenager, I collected everything from vintage bicycles to Coca-Cola to Victorian stuff. Once I realized some of this stuff contained concepts of art and design, I started looking for vintage objects that also represented art or design movements that could hold my interest. I ran across Art Nouveau and then Art Deco and then Arts and...

The International Influences of Buffalo Furniture
By Maribeth Keane — About 11 years ago, my wife and I went on some architectural tours. We joined the organization that sponsored the tours, and I volunteered to be the Webmaster for them. I decided to take a few photographs to illustrate the tours, and realized it would also be good to describe some of the architecture, so I started an architectural dictionary. Then I decided it would be useful to have some Buffalo history, as background for the architecture, so I started working on that. Then I started...