Military and Wartime Antiques and Memorabilia

400 Years of Equator Hazings: Surviving the Stinky Wrath of King Neptune's Court
By Ben Marks — The minute Pascal tied my hands together, I knew was in trouble. Pascal is a big man with an even bigger laugh, one of two hardworking, and hard-drinking, bosuns aboard a French research vessel called the Marion Dufresne. For his birthday a few days earlier, the crew had given Pascal a ball gag. Pascal thought this was hilarious, and immediately strapped the sex toy over his mouth, contorting his face in exaggerated expressions of mock distress, to the delight of the deckhands and officers...

Capturing a Generation of Aviation Geniuses and Their Incredible Flying Machines
By Ben Marks — Bob Seidemann leans on his cane and squints at one of his black-and-white photographs. His white hair, beard, and matching eyeglass frames give him the appearance of an aging hippie saint, or perhaps its friendly ghost. The print he's scrutinizing lies on a table with dozens of others from a portfolio called “The Airplane as Art,” which, in recent years, has brought high-altitude prices at auction—all but one of the images in this article are from that portfolio, and most are being...

How the Military Waged a Graphic-Design War on Venereal Disease
By Hunter Oatman-Stanford — Looking at the bold, abstract forms on anti-syphilis posters from the late 1930s, confusion is to be expected: What exactly is this disease? And how do I catch it? Heading into World War II, America’s young military recruits weren’t very clear on the details either. In order to prevent a repeat of the venereal disease (VD) epidemic of World War I, the U.S. government teamed up with artists, designers, and ad-men to set the story straight, plastering public-health warnings on walls at bases...

War and Prosthetics: How Veterans Fought for the Perfect Artificial Limb
By Hunter Oatman-Stanford — There's something undeniably beautiful about prosthetic limbs, designed to echo the physical grace and mechanical engineering of the human body. For most people, these objects elicit some combination of squeamish discomfort and utmost respect. But far fewer of us connect those feelings to the untold generations of battle-scarred amputees whose sacrifices made prosthetics a public priority. "Patients even have doctors sign non-disclosure forms to protect potential patents." “You hate to...

Photos From the Front: Veterans You Love
By Lisa Hix — Today, America honors its military veterans, who have served our country in times of war and peace. If you want to delve in the human side of our U.S. military history, look no further than Show & Tell, where militaria collectors like scottvez share their collections and knowledge about hats, medals, and badges, as well as photos, letters, and trench art they've stumbled across. Many Show & Tellers—U.S. veterans and families of veterans—have been generous enough to share their personal...

Mystery Solved: Grandpa’s Wooden Canteen from the War of 1812
By Peggy Sendak — Antiques should be appreciated and treasured, not only for their beauty and uniqueness, but also for their history. Over the years, I have inherited many family heirlooms. One day, I decided to start documenting their history for the sake of posterity and my children. I’ve often thought if an heirloom could talk, what a story it could tell. Thus, my five-year search to learn the story of this old wooden canteen. I knew this much: My grandfather got it from his father. Everyone in the...

Tokens for Sweethearts, in Times of War
By Tom Herwer — A keepsake, an item that recognizes a loved one, strikes a deep, sentimental chord in each of us—particularly that of a sweetheart. The popularity of keepsakes grew in the United States during the period from 1917 to 1919 as our country entered the "War to End all Wars," and again during World War II from 1941 to 1946. The pins, bracelets, buttons, banners, plaques, flags, posters, necklaces, and lockets gave those dealing with war on the home front a way to honor their loved ones while also...

American Engraved Powder Horns
By Stephen V. Grancsay — The period of the French and Indian War was a map-making era. Since much of the country was not chartered, it is perfectly logical that a map should be engraved on a powder horn. For the horn was the indispensable accessory of the settler's rifle, the greatest of all American map makers. The great pathfinder, Christopher Gist, in 1750, as the agent and surveyor of the Ohio Company, was sent to explore the region west of the Alleghenies. While on this journey, King Beaver and Captain...