Vintage Sinclair Collectibles

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Along with the Texaco star, the Shell scallop, and the Mobil flying horse, the Sinclair dinosaur is one of the most identifiable symbols in petroliana. The first Sinclair dinosaurs appeared in 1930, when the company was trying to promote its new...
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Along with the Texaco star, the Shell scallop, and the Mobil flying horse, the Sinclair dinosaur is one of the most identifiable symbols in petroliana. The first Sinclair dinosaurs appeared in 1930, when the company was trying to promote its new Wellsville, Pennsylvania, lubricants, which were derived from crude oil that had been forming since the Mesozoic Era, the 180-million-year-long period when dinosaurs dominated life on earth. Although Sinclair used a dozen different dinosaurs in its advertising, it was an image of an Apatosaurus (then called a Brontosaurus) that captured the public’s imagination. Named Dino and colored a swampy green, the Apatosaurus proved so popular that Sinclair made Dino the company’s official mascot and had it trademarked in 1932. The road to the Sinclair Dino was an unlikely one. In fact, the company was an accidental product of investments made by Harry Ford Sinclair, a failed Kansas druggist who was born in a suburb of Wheeling, West Virginia, but grew up in Independence, Kansas. When his attempts to run a pharmacy went south at the beginning of the 20th century, Sinclair made ends meet by selling lumber to oil-well operators, who used his materials to build their derricks. Thanks to his position as an oil-industry insider, Sinclair embarked on what today would be called a side hustle, buying and selling oil leases. He was successful enough to eventually attract a few key investors, and in 1904, a drilling syndicate he had formed for some leases in Kiowa, Oklahoma, earned Sinclair $100,000 (about $2.5-million in 21st-century dollars). That windfall led to bigger investments, including one in the Glenn Pool oil field, which spawned the Oklahoma oil boom—oil in Oklahoma ultimately rewarded speculators with more money than the California Gold Rush and Colorado Silver Boom combined. By 1907, Sinclair was the richest man in Kansas, and by 1916, his eponymous oil company was one of the top-10 oil producers in the United...
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