Vintage Fabric

The Vintage Waiting Room Art That's Hooked the Shabby Chic Crowd
By Lisa Hix — You might not know the brand name Marüshka, but if you lived in the United States in the 1970s or ’80s, chances are its imagery is emblazoned in your brain. You may have blankly stared at a Marüshka silkscreen-on-canvas print while waiting at a doctor’s office, in a hospital, or at a corporate headquarters. "A lot of the designs are hokey and naive, but they’re fun. That’s why they are so appealing now." A Marüshka image of a peaceful sailboat on a lake, a solitary seashell, or a grove...

Antique Sewing Machine Collector Harry Berzack on Singers and Manhattans
By Maribeth Keane and Jessica Lewis — I work for a sewing machine distribution company that was started by my late father. We mainly distribute industrial sewing machines. At a very early age, I became interested in sewing machines in a general sense, and I started collecting old machines mainly to see the technology and how it had developed. Then I immigrated to the States—I’m originally from South Africa—and my new life caused about a 20-year hiatus in which I did very little with sewing machines, although the passion never...

Angry Chicken's Amy Karol on Sewing, Vintage Slips, and Her Apron Obsession
By Maribeth Keane — I think I started collecting vintage aprons seriously probably in 1991, my first year of college. I was an absolute junkie for vintage clothing, which was pretty much all I’d worn for a long, long, long time. I was finding aprons everywhere and just started collecting them. I can specifically remember buying a full vintage apron in L.A. at some sort of vintage craft shop. At the time it was $5, and I was like, oh, my God, that was so much money for this. I was so poor, and it was back when...