Antique and Vintage Thimbles

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Thimble Pleasures: An Interview With Sewing Collector Sue Gowan

My husband, Mike, used to buy me pieces of china. One day he bought me a Jasperware blue Wedgwood thimble and I put it aside with my other pieces of Wedgwood. Later, one of his aunts left us a silver thimble, and then my daughter got a christening thimble, and it just flew from there. I don’t sew, so I don’t why. You can’t collect in a vacuum, so I looked for a society to join. I lived in South Africa at that time, and Jenny Scharff had just started her South African Thimble...

Antique Sewing Machine Collector Harry Berzack on Singers and Manhattans

I work for a sewing machine distribution company that was started by my late father. We mainly distribute industrial sewing machines. At a very early age, I became interested in sewing machines in a general sense, and I started collecting old machines mainly to see the technology and how it had developed. Then I immigrated to the States—I’m originally from South Africa—and my new life caused about a 20-year hiatus in which I did very little with sewing machines, although the passion never...

Angry Chicken's Amy Karol on Sewing, Vintage Slips, and Her Apron Obsession

I think I started collecting vintage aprons seriously probably in 1991, my first year of college. I was an absolute junkie for vintage clothing, which was pretty much all I’d worn for a long, long, long time. I was finding aprons everywhere and just started collecting them. I can specifically remember buying a full vintage apron in L.A. at some sort of vintage craft shop. At the time it was $5, and I was like, oh, my God, that was so much money for this. I was so poor, and it was back when...