Posted 12 years ago
(1232 items)
Found this cute little 5" diameter teapot the other day.It feels very light and the unglazed bottom and interior feel almost like bisque. It's either Japanese or Chinese. The body is an off white speckled finish glaze with hand painted somewhat raised enamel floral designs on both sides and the top. The lid has a tiny little turtle as the finial. It's missing the handle. That was probably bamboo or wicker of some kind. It has no damage and the only mark is a few written characters under a butterfly on the one side. It most probably is not a maker's mark , but a title or salutation. I'll see if I can get a translation and post it later. -Mike-
Only one post?
Feast or famine....Places are pretty empty lately ;(
I know, having same problem here. Need to go on a road trip to Amber's thrifts:))
YAWN :):):)
Hi Mike, I believe it is Japanese (I read some Chinese but am not very good). There are some Japanese kanji characters which are written (but not pronounced the same) exactly the same as Chinese and the first word definitely looks like Chinese/Kanji character (it is written in a cursive hand so it is hard to tell exactly what it is, but if my guess is right, it is the character for "soft") but the last 2 are Japanese (not too sure about the second character). I think the 4 characters are probably a poetic description alluding to the pretty flowers and butterflies or nature.
Thanks bobogal, I usually find that to be the case with Japanese/ Chinese translations. I have some antique Imari plates I posted a while back and the mark on the one translated to "Fuki Choshun" meaning "Good fortune and long life". :)
Hi Mike, it's interesting - the Japanese "Fuki Choshun" almost sounds the same as Chinese for the same saying. In Chinese it would be "Fu-chee Chang-sho".
Hi bobogal, I think I remember reading somewhere that the Japanese really had no written language of their own and adopted the Chinese written language to create one of their own. That might account for the similarities.
type of kinkozan awata style maybe
sort of biscuit paint bad memory , you got it also in toreito
correction my head is chaos toritei , maybe, , we have to kanji you have to do this on your own some type of meijji
w.t.f did i miss, IMO looks like the Kangji is kinkozan but the quality aint , there is something wrong with this , but i don,t what , asked Sandea ,because i am not in japanese ,
well you can call it what you want , but it is a kinkozan in awata style