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need some HOGEJAKU.


  1. addendum you want to remember the 1 OKAPI - amongst the cows
  2. ake a ching dynasty MARK CHART well this is quite difficilt pinyin, but you always have to remember the NON COMMON DENOMINATOR if you see 1000 cows in the meadow you want to remember the 1 b...
  3. addendum probably qilin
  4. well as usual as as GOAT of assessing blunders i got na idea pure technically the shaping don,t exist in chinese porcelain, maybe an imitation of late Joseon stylising ver yold vases, the so c...
  5. no this is good enough late meijji around 1880 probaly the reverse got a wave or scrolling design
  6. Rebessin also a genius excellent work , i am not that talented i have to learn it the hard way , clients are very demanding for rather affordable stuff
  7. jesus christ vastrohungaro is a genius , got the same conclusion but only after a week of searching, i got rooky i had to shut out orrefors , a crazy point of vieuw Nils LANDBERG) finally come to my ...
  8. it is probably even better it,s not only 1886 B but it is also signed Wilhelm van Gudenberg , so highly likely the auxiliary locations are out , which means it is just after very shortly !!!!! shifti...
  9. of course is it Friggo,sorry if he does,not know , no one ones. His ever smiling wife Joan Seyfert ( is she still alive ? , i don,t know , we are all old farts makes or made excellent ceramics ( most...
  10. solved this bought a lineair 1905 Nienhuis for my nurse , end of problem , yours is better , congrats
  11. Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland - Wandbord - Aardewerk pending on catawiki NOW !
  12. Velsen KTP Plateel Vaas Model 17 is pending on marktplaats and a very nice mod 177 is pending on marktplaats in holland , seller mercurius
  13. Ridgetop got something about this i believe , more bang for a buck very nice , good reminder have to buy some , are, not expensive in holland
  14. the datum is not the point it is distel amsterdam , but is it a Nienhuis, we haven,t an escape here probably
  15. @keramischmuseumgoedewaagen.nl. FRISO Visser might know ? nice piece bij the way
  16. if it is a consolation , i make mistakes for thousands of euro,s , i tossed an stray Colenbrander a few weeks ago, you are great sport , we all gonna get there in the end
  17. i stick to the left coin is trafitional chinese . right [art of the coin is manchu chinese the right symbol on the traditional chinese (= tang heritage ), got a flat underbarringf
  18. strange rhe rarity index is low . can,t explain that
  19. 1 Cash - Daoguang Tongbao; Boo-yuwan 1 Cash - Daoguang (Tongbao; Boo-yuwan) - anverso1 Cash - Daoguang (Tongbao; Boo-yuwan) - reverso © mikimaus (CC BY-NC-SA) Características Emissor Império da ...
  20. it alls breath longevity in mijn opinion in pinyin the symbol in picture one is a shou , but iy is also in kanji ( japanees-) the crane symbolises longevity lets for discussion sake declare ...
  21. maybe yjis is a reference ----apanese Imari Porcelain Dish, Scalloped--- lily parker on trocadero dated it 1920 now we got a different problem there are ruptures on the bottom, but what er the ...
  22. i must be missing something because This KINRANDE in combination with JANOME -KODAI bottom , be back
  23. GO / SEN obverse go sen seems ok and the reverse kanji kanj MEIJI-/ SAN - JU - NEN - GO / DAI -/ NIHON -seems ok we need gear , but you got chances here
  24. © Heritage Auctions Features Issuer Japan Emperor Meiji (1867-1912) Type Standard circulation coins Years 22-30 (1889-1897) Calendar Japanese - Meiji era Value 5 Sen (0.05 JPY) Currency Yen...
  25. what is going on here they outplayed the databank , strange , hell of a piece m congrats
  26. wow this so extremely nice
  27. is this the same implementation as the Candia Campanula.is there no registration of a timeline ?
  28. how can this be a bagley , what has it to be a bagley bamboo, the curviliniarityy shuts it out and also whitefriars , it is rosice which one i don,t know mod 1948 ? nice
  29. THE stakes are very high hier because it looks a TANG SANCAI AND EVEN THE FAKES are running wel , , so do some homework kid
  30. i haven,y looked for , and i got an awfull lot to learn about this , but could, it be biedermeijer period
  31. well thats fun , it is not so expensive it is only 4 figures nowadays , marketwise plus inflation . well done you deserve it
  32. what is this an expensive mod 1956 or 1957 very expensive and beautiful , i am very jealous and probably i won,t gey over it , hahaha well done
  33. and another klinkhammer same date lotnummer 970
  34. THis might be a reference Auction: Auction 49 session 2 Tuesday December 3, 2024 Chinese hand-painted porcelain ginger jar with a landscape scene. Marked on the bottom, 19th century. Chinese ha...
  35. i can,t break the pinyin , but this must be a nobrainer , we sample it for you just a matter of time
  36. IMO as far as i know this is an excellent evaluation , , i have experts seen dating this is as qianlong which IMO is a major blunder
  37. i stick to katerinecollections sort of chinaoierie have you ever seen a late romantic period cupir combined with kangxi pierced rock , and the tonality is off
  38. this is nice , i don,t know anyting about , but it is rule number 1 , vetraio always got the nice stuff , and he does not make mistakes when he makes attributions (buying glasses excluded of course )...
  39. see 1930's Chinese Famille Verte Porcelain Figure of a Horse SEller TROCADERO , this could be a possible reference i told you we never quit
  40. Warren wil know this , he got the wole Georg Höltl set ,likely i only got the catalogi, and i mainly sell Daum and Palda , and Warren is far more skilled then me
  41. you got the Georg Höltl set , wow
  42. it is not in the catalogue , maybe some kind of rogue, well i don,t give a F,,,, it is superb
  43. as far as i can see it is a hell of a piece , looks like Secessionisme without gullblomster ( which is out ), i am not expert , it is stripped to the basics IMO if i am right i highly prefer this one...
  45. We can,t solve this without THE AUSSIES , they are the Einsteins here, actually i also need the myself for much bigger amounts of value
  46. well i can,t state anything usefull here bij lack of my technical skill, we are probably making a sort of paradigma fallacy, well we got iron oxide exposure and even different iron oxide exposure , ...
  47. It is a copy the Shang-dynasty owl from the Shang dynasty from the,Minneapolis Institute of Art's Chinese Bronzes exhibition even the copies will run well so you did very well
  48. no you are commited single ring inside and double ring outside the standring = japanese later than 1920
  49. Base resembles those seen on Guangdong kiln pieces ?. i probably miss something what is the merit of WHOLESALE QUANDONG , it is about 45 dollar cent a piece what is your point , you think it is rel...
  50. 02-02-2025--- PENDING ON catawiki lotnumber Nr. 92803365 selected Giovanni BOtero ( 1 of the Einsteins of japanese porclain , see the pigment spraying of the RUHI head border deating upper paramet...
  51. See more