Posted 2 years ago
(68 items)
I would be grateful if anyone can give me any information on the plate. ...particularly, the signature.
It is massive ..45 cm diameter.
I think it is Imari...but not sure..and nit sure how to date it
Any info much appreciated
i don,t understand nothing of of it , and i am trying to find the embossed mark for probably decades, and i don,t understand the application , so i got only questions actually and the assesment is probably total bs
landscape scene not sansui, the border is an beheaded ruyi ( scepter )which actually is strange because its chinese tradition, used a template probably for the ruyi heads ( press through)
the rim could be painted ( i believe but i am absolutely not sure the japanase used a word for it , which means pigment scrolling
i only this type of ruyi head application from HIzen or Yamatoku (can,t trace this this in hirkana or katakana
the kilnspurs on the reverse don,t help us ( maybe the AMOUNT of the kilnspurs help us
let,s extrapolate the combination EMBOSSING with the RUYI head application but i am guessing cerainly not early meijji , but late meijji or early taisho
maybe some type of yamatoku ?
02-02-2025--- PENDING ON catawiki lotnumber Nr. 92803365 selected Giovanni BOtero ( 1 of the Einsteins of japanese porclain , see the pigment spraying of the RUHI head border deating upper parameter 1970
i told you so we only quit when the cascade falls