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Thanks very much for the comments.
its not rgporcellane ..I asked them
Hi Glogatha, Many thanks for your reply. do you by chance have a link to anything that can substantiate this ? or provide more info? When I search for R.G. Procellane, I'm not finding anythi...
hi thanks for the feed back...apologies for my late reply!
this might help you date it .. "In 1891 the Mckinley Tariff Act of America required all imports to America to bear the name of the country of origin. So, an item bearing the words – England – or an...
Hi Aly I have emailed you...but just in case there is a problem, you really need to check out this artist as a potential for your painting. If the...
Hi Allie email sent... did you get it ? P
Hi Do you know anyone with an "" account ? On there, someone has "benjamn Brown 1781-1848" in their family tree. There is also a copy of his will and testament! I just downloaded a cop...
Can you see the word TIP on it? The Romanian ones often (but not always) have the word "TIP" on them . This is Romanian for "Type" - some European importer insisted on this to cover them selves f...
Sorry, I found nothing - I spent ages researching too... Where did you get the poster from ? regards Paul
Hi check this out
Hi I have amended the origianl text with some more info...and added some new pictures .. regards Paul
Wow...thanks for that Kunst... it is not exactly identical to this picture..(for example the birds are different...)...but obviously the similarities are striking. ,,...but now I am wondering... is...
Any one else see a similarity to Edward Hopper ? (definately not saying it is by him!..just reminded me of his work) beautiful picture!..(I could live with the apparent shadow inconsistancies!) ...
Hi Kathy This is stunning..and I love it! The mountain is, I believe, Mount Fuji in Japan. Best wishes Paul
Ouch! ....should have stuck to things I know about!... thanks for the info :-) Paul
Hi kunst, on your advice, I searched for "Two Faces" and indeed did find a couple of web sites with the same image.... so many thanks for that! Thinking about it, it was an obvious search choic...
thanks vetraio! the framing cost me a fortune...but it was worth it! paul
p.s the colours suggest, to me, it was made in the 1960s... Indeed, some websites say that the factory in Austria was opened in the 1960s...and some say in the 1970s...
Hi This is the information I have on the reference number from a book I have: "1507 Handled Vase 27/29 Carstens Tönnieshof 1963" the "1507" is the pattern number, followed by either 27 or ...
..and finally! at this link you will find information about the Roberson Archives: P
ok this is wierd. .. at this link you will find a list of "Roberson" stamps. your one ( with the spelling ...
Hi interesting indeed! check out this web site: The firm named on the reverse actually supplied art products to Turner..!...
sorry forgot to mention ...the back board is missing...and no other marks anywhere. I am wondering if it is a "homemade" set ? regards P
Hi Blunderbuss2 They are good! I have been collecting antiques for 20+ years and I can spot a fake...but thanks for your concern! regards Paul
Hi Solved it! It is a copy of a "Hatherley Lattistep". Patented in the UK in 1882 and 1883 in the USA. The USA patent expired in about 1900 so I guess it was made just after that ..patent copi...
..I will check them out Many thanks
Any paper labels or country of make marks burnt into the underneath ? "Thonet" or "JJ Kohn" would be some of the best names to see... (normally paper labels which are often lost over time) but th...
Hi vetraio50 Many thanks for the additional info... now reading up on Dobson! regards Paul
Hi, Just found out they are by Eric Dobson..I think! Nice..:-)
p.s.... 18cm x 10cm x 10 cm
Hi Found her! lady called Monique Brunner. See link below: regards
p.s... forgot to add... it is laaaarge!.. 70cm x 24cm. (not that it helps with the identification..)
Hi It looks like a "fat lava" type of finish on it... meaning (I think) no earlier than mid 1950s... they started off first in West Germany... If it is Fata lava, the colours look more lte 60s/...
Hi Truthordare. Many thanks for your comment...Im going to check out the web site. Much appreciated Paul
Hi ref the ADAMS chair you probably found this already but just in case... Sorry...but you will have to copy the URL into Google..! refers to Adams making furniture 18th/early 19th century. r...
Hi Im no expert in this area but I have seen this wide chrome used by Herman Miller - might be worth checking out. Regardless, it looks like a really great chair! congrats Paul
I live in Belgium - home of VSL Have to say, fantastic vase but never seen that VSL design before. I recommend that you could contact the VSL factory (just go to their web site). They will confirm ...
Hi all thanks for your comments. The horse is pulling a log/wood. Much like you would see with forest work etc. ..if only I could work out the signature..! Paul
Hi Vet.... yes wood... not a "hard" wood though...easier to carve I guess
Hi RRigo Just found the remains of a signature! Sadly, I cant read it.... Any ideas ? thanks Paul
Hi rrigo I contacted - no luck, but they are looking for me. hjort... what makes you think it could be made by them ? I did some searching on the Internet ..there are a couple of...
Hi rrigo Thanks for the link I will definitely contact them... much appreciated thanks Paul
Hi Blunderbuss, Yes I agree the stamp is Belgian - its a tax stamp - suggesting it was imported into the country..? meaning it was not Belgian ? thanks for the interest!
Hi Vetraio - changing from Firefox to Chrome Browser made a difference...wierd!
hi... just tried... but it wont even let me remove the picture now! thanks for the tip though
Hi Ivonne Thanks for the info, much appreciated. I never knew this so it will be a help. regards Paul
Hi I bought it in a dusty second-hand shop (hidden in a pile of junk!). The owner of the shop, who I know as I am a regular customer, said that he got it in from a house clearance of an old pro...
Hi Thanks for your reply. It is definitely not a litho but I cant quite work out if it is a screen print or an original. I'm looking to see if the paint "bleeds" into the paper fibres but ev...
Hi check out this book link. It says Charles E Keller was a landscape artist born in Ohio around 1870 and was working in Zanesville Muskingum Ohio .. Guess case closed!! regards Paul ...
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