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Puyallup, Washington

I have a wide variety of interests. From my hot rod 1964 C-10 & 77 big block shortbox trucks to high end guns and knives. I love wood carved masks and animals. Also I have a wide variety of interests. From my hot rod 1964 C-10 & 77 big block shortbox trucks to high end guns and knives. I love wood carved masks and animals. Also love items that have a story or tell a story. Especially if there's history involved. After years of collecting my sister and I have opened an Etsy store called Northwest Vintage.... NOWVI on Etsy. nowvi.etsy.com (Read more)


  1. Cool find! Time to break out the metal detectors
  2. Looks great.
  3. Nice buy and great job restoring it.
  4. Waki is back! Good to see you my friend. Thanks for the explanation
  5. Very cool replica.
  6. Great color, nice piece
  7. Looks like a Chinese dragon and Kanji in my opinion
  8. Cool stuff. I love wood carved objects.
  9. 1947 south Saskatchewan..10 day blizzard hit -60 Celsius! https://ca.news.yahoo.com/reached-60-c-during-worst-093435776.html#:~:text=Thursday%2C%20Jan.,essentially%20forced%20to%20shut%20down. ...
  10. https://www.trademarkia.com/anco-bilt-is-well-built-71656037 Looks like they used to say.."Glendale 27, NY" that changed after zip codes..so should place you between late 1963 to 70 in my opinion. ...
  11. I believe that after 1970 they lost all the metal and went kinda cheap on the build. I could be incorrect but that's what I saw in searches. Went out of business in 1990
  12. I assume the picture is the back taken off? It apoears to be a Morris chair?
  13. Can you add an image of the bottom
  14. Just reading an article talking about DVD rot and how most old movies do not play anymore.
  15. That's a cool clock
  16. These were very popular. Not made anymore so they are selling at some good prices
  17. FY if you don't know..Tudor is similar quality to Rolex. Try contacting this guy, maybe he can answer some questions and ID it. Please let us know what you find. https://tudorcollector.com/the-coll...
  18. Your pictures are not great..but appears to be a Tudor military watch? A quick search..could not find a similar example. A local jeweler or watch place should be able to open the back up for you(usual...
  19. If you found them locally, I'd reach out to your historical society. They might be able to help identify these.
  20. Welcome to CW. It would be nice if you edited your post and uploaded a picture of the front. It looks like a nice watch.
  21. Nice find! Cool bookends..
  22. Here's some information https://www.hobbydb.com/marketplaces/hobbydb/subjects/barclay-brand "Slush cast" "Slush casting, also known as rotational casting, is a permanent molding technique that...
  23. A few fire signal links https://www.epssecurity.com/news/eps-news/a-brief-history-of-fire-alarm-systems/ https://wikitia.com/wiki/Edwards_(company) https://www.ifsecglobal.com/uncategorized/t...
  24. Nice job with the restoration. Looks like it has a metal tag now. Great piece and memories.
  25. Great piece!
  26. Simple test..get a magnet. If it sticks..fake. if it doesn't then still could be lead or other material. Common sense says it's fake..this coin should be early 1700s. There's no wear pattern from year...
  27. Here's a few.. https://tonka.collectionhero.com/view_item.php?id=63510 https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/tonka-57081-futuristic-race-car-1928158956 https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia...
  28. Your pictures are not great but I'm leaning towards m42..check this link and examine your helmet... https://stalingradfront.com/articles/articles-about-ww2/german-helmets-ww2/#:~:text=How%20to%20di...
  29. Cool find. You seem to always find good stuff. Seems your filling your new place up..
  30. My thoughts..it could be a reproduction or commemorative piece? Are you saying your machine reads it as gold or gold plated? Here's an interesting fact.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_bug
  31. Check this link.. https://jewishnc.org/unscrollingthepast/
  32. It seems your reddit post has answered your questions. Not sure what more we can add?
  33. Check here.. https://www.replacements.com/visual-search/Silver-1a5e7db014d5b316221a00e679853d6f06dee7dd
  34. Saw a similar one recently..had a pot or bowl inside..think it was for shaving? Thought it would be a neat place to hide a little safe.
  35. earthandmagneto - Thank you for the comments. You are incorrect..my mom was Japanese and had 100s of (recorded Japanese shows)VHS tapes..I gave them all away with the vcr and rewinder. Actually VHS ha...
  36. Here's one.. https://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/265746-armour-fertilizer-sign
  37. Looks like this one.. https://www.ebay.com/itm/154578501194
  38. Love his work! Very witty guy. Great set and nice gift from the Mrs
  39. Maybe.. https://jp.mercari.com/item/m91143717428
  40. Your pictures are blurry when I try to zoom in..can't see the details. You will have to compare to known real helmets. These were made from 1944 on replacing the previous helmet. Should have date insi...
  41. That's a nice one Scott!
  42. Looks pretty cool.
  43. This is what it looks like to me.. https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/U345310650
  44. It's very hard to see in your pictures..looks kinda like the rear sight elevator
  45. It's pretty fascinating that a band got so popular that people saved and collect scrap pieces of paper.
  46. The cotter or split pin was invented and patent applied in 1912. "People aren’t sure where the “cotter” name comes from. (It might come from the word “cotterel,” which is a pin or bolt used to hang po...
  47. Nice job finding the history. Great story too. Love how a small item can have such an interesting background.
  48. Nice find and great job finishing the piece. Looks pretty cool now!
  49. Great job Scott. Neat piece
  50. Here's some links that talk about history and name changes https://barometersonline.biz/2019/11/27/dollond-aitchison-london-gentlemens-gunmetal-aneroid-barometer-altimeter/ https://jasonclarkean...
  51. See more