Maniax » collections




I bought it in a auction of collectables i dont know much about it .these are what was inside if u have anyinfo about any thing please help me out


  1. Wait i found one on e bay besides mine but how to know if its real
  2. I was the one who had it on here n the only one i see on e bay is the one i listed
  3. its the same signature all right but i still dont know the painters name
  4. so no way to tell if they were his????
  5. also what confuses me about this is ted rose died the year before so really could use some help on this
  6. that site has been closed????
  7. it must be.
  8. thank u so much ill let u no if any thing comes of it
  9. actually i see a striking similiraty in the signatures espically since the autograph is in pencil u can see the pressure points and even that line that lookasimilar to a t at the end of his autographs...
  10. wow thank u that signature is pretty close u think its the same
  11. how do u tell the difference
  12. the first letter in the signature is dead on george gershwin the second letter raises questions the rest seem to fit how he writes his first name n theres even that mark he leaves at the end of his si...
  13. and manzottis ballet premierd in 58
  14. please let me know if i should frame it or is it not worth anything??
  15. im more of a green guy myself i love trees
  16. Thank u so much for some reason google lens will not work yet all their other stuff that id never use works.thats the exact same one.i was wondering am i the only one that dont completly trust e bay a...
  17. I had it looked at not gershwins autograph maybe the person who drew the picturs.pleass any help will very much apperciated.
  18. Ive looked every where
  19. I must have i dont know how thou cause delete post is pretty clear but oh well i have had it appraised im waiting on the results
  20. Thank u very much mom loves em.
  21. Sport ballet in eight paintings by choreographer Luigi Manzotti Music by Romualdo marenco Figures by A. Edel Performed for the first time at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, February 19, 1897. Complete...
  22. Im very confuzed about the poster in one of the only articles online about the poster theauthor says that the ballet or musical was ins...
  23. Not there
  24. They didnt appraise it they said cause the poster did not exceed 5000$ they would not auctionit for me so no but im planning on doing so today
  25. They move what section they want my pics at if i change it it goes right back
  26. The post for some reason no longer exists????
  27. Any help here ?im stumped
  28. Thank u very much for ur help i just found it odd that she had no marking like every other doll i have collected
  29. Dav2no1 will u send me the link to the poster again please
  30. Ok thats y im asking so i dont know art from a painting hopefully one day i will as lame as the person who points out to the obvious newbie that their ignorant about something they r on the site to fi...
  31. So whats the difference in art and a painting?
  32. I understand this is a collectors site but y are they against selling stuff?is it cause that defeats the whole meaning of collecting?
  33. That was me trying to be funny i hope its his real signature thou what go u think its close.?
  34. Cant find either one online next.
  35. Pat wms 1 of 82 i thought
  36. I thought it was wms 1 of 82
  37. I really do apperciate all ur advice n it makes a lot of sence every painting isnt going to be something to get rich off theres been so many people i spoke with in town with so many different opinions...
  38. Ill post others
  39. Its too tall to take it that way
  40. He was extreemly careless i no him personally but it was short notice i had no choice he was happy with his pay
  41. See more


My favorite unknown michael


posted 1 month ago