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Hanson ma.

Been collecting STUFF for years!!! We have sold Our Ice Cream Shop!!! But I still enjoy swapping STUFF stories with friends!!! I love to tell Kids about old STUFF!!!Been collecting STUFF for years!!! We have sold Our Ice Cream Shop!!! But I still enjoy swapping STUFF stories with friends!!! I love to tell Kids about old STUFF!!! and most like to hear about old STUFF!!! Keeps me young!!! We (Read more)


  1. When's a door not a door??? When it's a Jar!! Stuff
  2. Many years ago I took my car to a mechanic and he said the best thing he could do was lift the radiator cap and Jack another car under it!!!!! Stuff
  3. Me. Green is innocent!!! That's a left-handed Cresent wrench. Green's right-handed!!!! Stuff
  4. We got a modified M 1 back in Nam in 67. A Special Forces Sargent was having a Short timers party, and traded the M 1 for a 40 lb case of steaks. It was cutdown to the pistol grip and carved with a Ju...
  5. Thanks Dav for the info on the cars. Stuff
  6. Welcome to CW!! You should get some answers here. Stuff
  7. Peter Bed Pan Tinkle Bell and Captain Poop all are flushed down the drain to the waiting Jaws of Tick Tock!! Bathroom! Humer. Stuff
  8. TherBeing a Sox fan also love seeing Fenway and Pic's of Sox players. Got to see Ted and Yaz in my youth. Still a fan!! Stuff
  9. We don't buy or sell here!!
  10. We don't buy or sell here!!
  11. Back in the sixties My bowling friend Sheldon bought a Dick Weber bowling ball. Check him out. One of the greatest bowler. That's when I bowled the 256 with a house ball against his Weber ball. Anoth...
  12. Back in the fifty's I was a little older then you. St Peters School had 5 Candlepin lanes in th basement. The lanes were a little warped from age. I was a pinsetter (Pinboy) resetting the pins. No ma...
  13. 25 ten pin 25 candle pin. Open 24 hours. We would go late and get the ten pin lane next to the candle pin lane. Loved playing each one!!! Back and forth. My highest score in ten pin was 256 candle 148...
  14. When I was young back in the sixties. We went to Bostonbowl. They had 50 lanes
  15. Your wit is Cheese Whiz to my Limburger which smells like Sweaty gym socks!! Stuff
  16. Glad you took the Time to join CW!! Nice watch!!! Stuff
  17. Batman and Robin were run over by a steamroller!! Now they are Flatman and Ribbon!! Stuff
  18. I prefer Smooth but Shush!!! please keep a Lid on that!! Our secret!! Stuff
  19. The Old Crow must have passed out!! And fell out of the picture?? Stuff
  20. Heroes all!!
  21. Very good Grasshopper!! Stuff
  22. Dav my similar type license plate Your Rolls plate is outstanding!! Stuff
  23. Welcome to C W ! You should get some answers here.
  24. Do I hear Crickets??? In the front row? Or Cicadas row after row!!! Stuff
  25. WOW!! I can hear the Ocean from here!! Stuff
  26. WOW!! I can hear the Ocean family om here!! Stuff
  27. I scored the other day at self checkout at grocery store!! I put in for $40 cash back!! Got a twenty and fifty dollar bill. Stuff
  28. Matches yours!! Apostle hit it I think!! Stuff
  29. This seems to match your's Stuff
  30. What's with all the Error pop-ups when tapping on view???? Stuff
  31. Looks like another caught in the clothes dryer coin?? They are just the right size to roll around the outside edge of drum til it gets spit out. Stuff
  32. Tango dancer's?? Stuff
  33. Thanks Dav Will mark mystery solved. Stuff
  34. Thanks Vynil I think your right!! Stuff
  35. Mine was a Duff Barrett Cast iron jack. Duff Norton was the same type. I believe one of your Rings locked it in place. They made several different tonnage sizes. Stuff
  36. They remind me drop over parts for a iron railroad jack . I had a 20ton jack year's ago. Stuff
  37. We had a famous Great horned owl named Spooky at the Boston museum of science when I was a kid. He was injured in the wild. Had one eye. He loved showing off when you entered the Museum. I believe he ...
  38. Welcome to CW. Nice Key. Should find some answers here. Stuff
  39. Welcome to CW!! You should get some answers here. Stuff
  40. Great Ties!!! But you gotta admit they are LOUD!! Kidding. Welcome to CW! Stuff
  41. Great piece!!! But I worry there's a Wobbly 3 legged Tub out there somewhere !!! Stuff
  42. Cott golden ginger ale was my favorite. Sorry about your loss. Stuff
  43. Here's a shot in the dark?? Maybe a meeting the date and times both sides met to discuss the battlefield Christmas Truce of 1914?? Stuff
  44. South station is in my Red Sox Nation!!! This Square is on his way to Kenmore Square on opening day by the Way!!! Stuff
  45. Porgy and Bess enjoy being in your Artistic Mess!! Stuff
  46. My Pa n Ma traveled far but never to Panama!! Stuff
  47. Or to the Outer Limits!! Stuff
  48. I Cast my eye on your Tired Bear with the button eyes who wants to Steel a nap on that Great bed!! Stuff
  49. Great find!! I found one like it years ago under an old barn at an onsite auction in NH years ago. Cleaned it up and repainted it. Wife slept on it for twenty plus years!! Left it with the new owners ...
  50. Welcome to CW. It's missing something?? You should get some answers here. Can you add more pics from different angles? Stuff
  51. See more


1960’s Dallas Ft. Worth Spurs Team Photo Pocket watch vintage vintage theatrical trunk-authenticated as the famous Ziegfeld Follie star performer Lillian Lorraine Can anyone identify this belt? No date, no mint mark  error dime Solid brass lion head trinket box Red Top Snuff from Byfield, Mass? Phonograph part???? Old horse tricycle? 1960's Italian Hard Plastic Doll with lovely blue eyes Nazi election poster 1933 Torpedo Part


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