elanski » collections




New finds and old favourites from of my somewhat random collection of military and antiquey things


  1. That's pretty special. I think there is a Battle of Iwo Jima version similar to this too.
  2. Never seen this before. Looks great
  3. Looks good. I like the artwork on the front
  4. Stegosaurus was my favourite dino as a kid. The model I had had the arched back and drooped tail too. I think bones were put together like that when they were first displayed in museums so all the mod...
  5. Very well armed and enough luggage space for a short camping holiday. I like the way you have him leant back in that first photo.
  6. I like the raised trunk
  7. I saw a replica MG42 at a militaria fair and it was so bloody expensive I thought it must have been the real thing at first.
  8. That is a great whatever the hell that is
  9. I like Mini but that is a fantastic display of all them
  10. He is cute. Keep him away from the tar pits
  11. Nice little collection Happy new year Fort
  12. Oh he is a good one.
  13. It is small for an anvil. Even Road Runner should survive that one. Nice patina. I've just winged you a message to your registered email on here, if you could have a look when you get a chance. Cheers.
  14. It is great and thanks for the cat
  15. It looks big. How long is it? Hard to judge scale when there isn't a cat in the photo :)
  16. Ironically Germans don't have a word for a word that's too long.
  17. T Rex looks better for losing a little weight by 1960s. Good for him.
  18. Lots of detail on that one. Like it.
  19. Very handsome vase and it looks good standing with its friends in the last picture
  20. Looks interesting. I'd like to see the other side. I wonder if it is a token for something, rather than a coin.
  21. The green handled section is looking very impressive these days
  22. A well detailed model. I love the shape of the old corvettes
  23. The two tone paintwork is king as usual
  24. Some nice touches but I'm not sure about the pose. Is he breakdancing? saving a goal in a soccer match? Saying dont look because someone has discovered him going to the toilet in the bushes?
  25. Super. I like art deco
  26. Good looking, practical tool.
  27. Nice car. 80mph must have been quite a speed in 1930
  28. I remember when that album came out. I worked in a shop that sold some CDs, none of us has ever heard of Blur, so I said just stick it on the bottom shelf because no one is going to buy that and we'l...
  29. Good set and your Joe knowledge always impresses.
  30. I've been on the look out for some flags myself, that's a great one. Give Mr Jingles a belly rub from me
  31. Very cool
  32. I like the truck truck
  33. Wow. Their people have kept them in super condition
  34. Cool. I love those early split windscreen vans
  35. He his great.
  36. Love the furniture and office equipment. Never seen that before in this sort of thing.
  37. Looks good filled up with Joes like that
  38. It is a good one. Lots of nice details
  39. Nice collection. Looks like an old one. 1940s? Do you know what the S and the blue cross badges on the pocket are for?
  40. I like the colour. I was thinking it might have been for something culinary, like olive oil or vinegar. I don't really know why I might think that though.
  41. Don't know the year but it looks modernish. Maybe 90s? If it's genuine Gucci then its probably worth a little bit. But it may well be a copy as so many of these things are. Is there actually any ...
  42. Fantastic restorations.
  43. It looks nice. In like the wood
  44. How great to have something hand made from your family that can be used again after all these years.
  45. You are wrong. It is very clearly part of an antique Victorian Dalek
  46. He looks good swinging away there
  47. That is a great piece. Really dominates the wall there.
  48. The cat is looking not unlike Gizmo from Gremlins that photo.
  49. Nice shape
  50. Love the detail on these, especially the TV radar thing
  51. See more


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