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Central Wisconsin

Collector of pre-Nazi German and American state and locally issued military service medals. Corporate long service medals and badges issued in and by Milwaukee cityCollector of pre-Nazi German and American state and locally issued military service medals. Corporate long service medals and badges issued in and by Milwaukee city and county; not just law enforcement. (Read more)


  1. Thanks, yes things do get kind of sad in war times. To me the saddest thing is when zoo animals are slaughtered for meat like in Paris in 1871.
  2. Thanks Keramikos, great pictures!
  3. You are welcome Newfld! Berchtesgsden is a beautiful place. Slightly out of town and up hill are all the old Nazi sites (Ober-Salzberg) which are mostly gone now except for the "Eagles Nest" which is ...
  4. With police badges there is always a fear that a badge could be misused if they fall into the wrong hands.
  5. The 1870 Iron Cross is a modern fake and on incorrect ribbon
  6. Rare Badge! Milwaukee bridge tenders had police power to enforce traffic laws on land and on the water. Later types named the bridge on the badge. Can you show the back? Thanks Fred
  7. That is a tough one! Most were destroyed in 1901. Last one I saw sell went for a grand. There are fakes out there too, usually with wrong pins and in poor quality. Do a Google search for badge coll...
  8. As marked this is a Nazi era German hunting sword.
  9. Yes they did work with what they had. Milwaukee's first water distribution pipes were made of hollowed out logs in 1845.
  10. Not really. Saw something on the Seattle underground on tv a few years ago. Looked very interesting.
  11. Yes, Thanks! I had a cousin who as an engineer worked on the deep tunnels in the 1970's.
  12. Last time I was there they had a very nice car collection in an attached building.
  13. I recently received a nice e-mail from the Missouri Historical Society reporting that they did not get any "hits" on their searches for this hotel and the person named on the medal. Strange!
  14. Good idea! Thanks
  15. Nice grouping of bank notes. No rare types there but if the notes are in nice condition (as they look) that in itself could make them rare and worth respectable money.
  16. Truer words were never spoken!
  17. Thank you all! Looks like this one was still running long after the war.
  18. Thanks dav, no I have never seen any other back plates like this. The only thing that comes close would be some of the 1914 German First class Iron crosses.
  19. Thanks for the kind words! Milwaukee PD had an interesting history. One early police chief even thought it was important for an arresting officer to beat the suspect in a "fair" fight. Another time...
  20. Thanks keramikos, you really know how to search the net!
  21. Thanks Keramikos ! I think you are on the right trail. Either or both of them could have worn this buckle in their life times.
  22. Yes that is a name, "Geo. Ph. Roth" I couldn't find the name listed anywhere in a book about the group or on google.
  23. Thanks WS, glad to hear it!
  24. These stars come in at least 2 sizes, both in my collection. Both have two long screw posts on the back. They are enameled and convex in shape. They look like they could have been mounted on an old ...
  25. Can anyone read the Chinese inscription? Curious about the issuer. Not the same as their coins. Wu-Han? Thanks, Fred
  26. Thanks! Sounds like a medal worthy of being proud of.
  27. If this is white metal the silver finish would be a clad layer leaving the edge unplated and darker than the obverse and reverse surfaces.
  28. By the way, this certificate was rinted by L. Lipman of Milwaukee.
  29. I bet you have some nervous neighbors.
  30. The eagle on the rocker is Polish.
  31. This system will not allow me to choose the correct topic heading! German Currency
  32. Yes, all are named on the reverse. There are also several different makers marks.
  33. Hi Brkiri Wisconsin Civil War records are on line so you can look up the names and get the basic military records. I purchased the badge in an antique mall in Minocqua a number of years ago. The...
  34. Thanks! The Pershing medals design was a basic design used many times with changes to the text as needed. Most collectors limit their collecting to certain cities or states or to a topic like news p...
  35. Thanks Scott, my pleasure.
  36. Hi Matty, I would expect your medal to be genuine since I have never seen a fake. I would also trust the name on the medal to be a real person. Is this a famous person? Keep in mind that names are...
  37. Thanks again Keramikos! I will contact their local historical society. They are usually helpful.
  38. Thanks keramikos, I stand corrected! Great researching on your part. Yesterday I stumbled across a site with pictures of all Marinette's mayors and dates. Today I can not find that site for love or mo...
  39. Thanks Shooshoo.
  40. Sad picture. There were some nice coins and tokens in this batch until some ding-a-ling ruined them. Date range from the 1700's to early 1930's.
  41. Those are plug-ins just like on a computer 5 rounds and 2 rectangular.
  42. Not sure what he is holding, looks like a slide rule and a locking pin in the other.
  43. Glad you know all the answers. Now if you would be so kind as to show the coins with the proper alignment....
  44. These are Chinese cash coins. The side with the two characters is the mint identification and the other side is the Emperor's name. The Standard Catalogs of World Coins have a few pages at the start...
  45. In my opinion those neighborhood names are all modern concoctions to give the people living there a sense of belonging. I was born and raised in Milw on the North side and lived for 25 years. All w...
  46. In 1931 the 13th ward would have been the river on the east, North ave on the south up to Locust on the north and 5th st on the west
  47. Welcome to Milwaukee History Keramikos! Gold (solid gold = 10k ) alderman badges are not uncommon for the larger old cities since most were private purchase items; authorized by the cities but not p...
  48. Thanks Manikin; sorry to see Waukesha is in the news again.
  49. Thanks! That helps explain it but what are starting notifications?
  50. Thanks bb, I hope so, it is the only one I have seen in decades.
  51. See more


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