Posted 12 months ago
(304 items)
This Feldkamp's Hotel of St. Louis, Missouri medal is one of my collecting life's major mysteries. It is known that this hotel was or is in St. Louis and was well known for their fried chicken dinners. The medal looks like it was issued to one of their employees named J. Meisner for “Honor Service”. What “Honor Service” meant is unknown to me. Above the hotel name are the dates 1939-1941. 1939 is when WWII started for most European countries and the British Empire. Did Meisner go to Canada to enlist there? 1941 is the year that the USA was drawn into the war by the attack on Pearl Harbor. Did our man transfer from the British military to the American armed forces? Above those dates is a red stone and the date 1942. Could this mean our man was killed or wounded? In any event the medal is 34.6 mm by 39.2 mm in size, weighs 18.06 grams and has a specific gravity of 10.5 which means that this medal could be pure silver. The red stone is very light in color. The back once had a pin back assembly with only traces remaining.
Have you contacted the historical society or the University of Toledo. They were immensely helpful in my previous research on my dairy pick opener.
Oops I meant St Louis historical society..helped me with my peanut scoop.
Good idea! Thanks
I recently received a nice e-mail from the Missouri Historical Society reporting that they did not get any "hits" on their searches for this hotel and the person named on the medal. Strange!