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  1. Thanks TallCakes I will look for that pattern
  2. What does it say on the back?
  3. Thanks mp.kunst. Would you know how to date these coins to the exact year?
  4. Thank you TallCakes, I should have known you would know.
  5. Thank you again keramikos
  6. Thanks for the info keramikos. I have had this about 20 years and never gave it a second thought. I rediscovered it the other day and thought it was interesting.
  7. Thanks for the info mikelv85
  8. The “federal law forbids sale or re-use of this bottle” was put on bottles starting in 1935 until Dec. 1964. Some bottles still had that on them after 1964 until the production run of bottles ran out.
  9. Thanks for all the info. I will check it out
  10. Thanks for the info
  11. My parents and grand parents had to use them. I still have some of them.
  12. I didn't even think about that dav2no1 but I just did and it really glows.
  13. These were made by Anchor Hocking from 1974-1976 for the bicentennial. Yours was made in 1975.
  14. Thanks for the info TallCakes.
  15. I don't think so Vynil. It was only 50 cents.
  16. Thanks for the info TallCakes
  17. Any markings on the bottom and what does the top look like?
  18. Thanks for the love kwqd
  19. Thanks for the love BHIFOS
  20. Thanks for the love dav2no1 and Watchsearcher
  21. Thanks for the love blunderbuss2 ,fortapache ,vcal ,sherrilou and Newfld
  22. That would be great blunderbuss2
  23. Thanks for the love Vynil33rpm
  24. Thanks for the info TallCakes
  25. Thanks for the love fortapache , Watchsearcher and kwqd
  26. Thanks for the love Newfld and vetraio50
  27. Thanks for the love dav2no1
  28. Thanks for the info TallCakes and thanks for the love WhenIsraelbelieves
  29. Thanks for the love Cisum, kwqd and Reise
  30. Thanks for the love Vynil33rpm
  31. Thanks for the love Watchsearcher ,blunderbuss2 and Drake47
  32. Thanks for the love dav2no1
  33. Thanks for the love fortapache
  34. Thanks for the love Oroyoroycanyousing and vcal
  35. Thanks for the love Drake47
  36. thanks for the love fortapache, vcal, sherrilou and Newfld
  37. Thanks for the love and the info dav2no1. It is a Hazel Atlas cookie jar but it has the wrong lid.
  38. Thanks for the love Reise
  39. Thanks for the love dav2no1
  40. Thanks for the love sherrilou and Drake47
  41. Thanks for the love fortapache and vcal
  42. Thanks for the love Newfld
  43. Thanks for the info TallCakes
  44. Thanks for the love officialfuel, oldpeep, Lady_Picker, Chevelleman69, and sugargirl
  45. Thanks for the love fortapache and Reise
  46. Thanks for the love Vynil33rpm
  47. Thanks for the love kwqd and blunderbuss2
  48. Thanks for the love and info dav2no1
  49. Thanks for the love blunderbuss2
  50. Thanks for the love dav2no1 , kwqd l and jscott0363
  51. See more


Monet poinsettia brooch