Rain_bow_rider » collections



Walnut Creek, California

I collect various items such as stamps - books - records - magazines - postcards - maps - movie posters - etc. My goal is to ensure these items get to people who wiI collect various items such as stamps - books - records - magazines - postcards - maps - movie posters - etc. My goal is to ensure these items get to people who will cherish them - thus saving them from the landfill. (Read more)


  1. Thanks for the Love - if anyone has or has ever seen a 1st day of Issue for the envelope - would love to hear from you. I have only seen one other FDC of the envelope -- but have seen lots of them wi...
  2. The engine is the Lionel 001e from 1938-39 - it is apparently rare as it is one of the last of the Lionel engines built to exact scale. This one does respond to an electric impulse - but it does need...
  3. Thanks to everyone for all the "Love" for the little train - that will hopefully become the little train that could actually run. Thanks also for the information on how to find out more about this ...
  4. Thanks to Gillian - I have learned that these things actually sell on Ebay - so that is very helpful. Thanks Gillian - the terminology G24 may help me in doing some further research. I just think th...
  5. Thanks to TubeAmp the mystery is solved. It is Japanese and not Chinese - thus my frustration and failure to find it. It is as follows: Series A 1 Yen Bank of Japan note. Portrait: Ninomiya-Sontoku...
  6. Wow - MYSTERY SOLVED !! With much appreciated assistance from various individuals with in the Forest - especially Lincoln Bramwell who provided the following information. Here is the excerpt from ...
  7. Thanks Valentino97 - I did remember to thank Kevin - but in my excitement to research the stamp's value - I forgot to mark the mystery solved - which it definitely was. So thanks your reminder is m...
  8. Thanks so much for your research and reply - it is indeed the stamp you mention - and including the link to a discussion of the stamp is extremely helpful. I greatly appreciate it/ Rain_Bow_Rider
  9. DizzyDave - Thanks so much - you are dead on - this pin came from the estate of a prominent San Franciscan woman involved in charitable work. The match with the Lux Foundation is perfect. Again T...
  10. Wow - You guys are awesome - thanks so much for solving the mystery. It is greatly appreciated. Rain_Bow_Rider
  12. I found several of these for sale on Ebay - the major difference is some list them as Antique others as Vintage. The ones on Ebay also have sterling silver lids. The first mandated use of Made in ...
  13. Wow - that was easy - thanks so much Packrat-place. Much appreciated. gerry
  14. Thanks Blunderbuss2: I have to agree with Blunderbuss2 - it seems to small to be of great use for holding much gun powder or many rounds of ammo - and the lid does not lock tight. So anyone have...
  15. Wow !!! Thank you - very much appreciated - it was a kind of serendipitous find - as I am sure lots of folks looked at it before me. It was indeed verified as an authentic signature - so I sold it ...
  16. To: stefdesign To: ROBinHawaii To:mustangtony To:gingerakesler;bratjdd To: miKKoChristmas11 To: mustangtony Just a quick note to say thanks to everyone who loved it and to those who offered ...
  17. I meet with a coin dealer who has well over 50 years of experience in dealing with coins and stamps. He was very impressed with the pin and offered his professional opinion free of charge. This is ...
  18. I tried to enter a comment earlier - but not sure it went through - briefly - it does appear that the back side of the coin was sanded down and the various designs and cross added - apparently this wa...
  19. I do not know how to e-mail - so am using this way to reach you. I updated the pictures and added the research to date on the RED CROSS pin. Thank you for your interest - it is greatly appreciat...
  20. See more


Boy Scout Plaques And Collectibles Heavy hurricane lamps. Tollie Record Label 45 ofBeatles Field of Fire Trainer Old Tobacco Cards A Nurse's Life Time of Service and a Handfull of Pins


posted 1 month ago