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Cub/Boy Scouts Things! :^D

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Boy Scout Collectibles5 of 280Scout Things a Closer Look! :^DGalaxy Mug - Boy Scout Troop 429 - Wabash, Indiana - 50 Years of Scouting
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    Posted 9 months ago

    (593 items)

    I haven't posted any Scouting things in a while, so here's some New, and things that I've had some time, but All is Old! :^D

    Thanks for Looking, I have some close-ups that if You want to see I'll post them, just let me know! Any Comments or information on this Post are Welcome and Appreciated! Bill :^)

    Boy Scout Collectibles
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    1. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 9 months ago
      Thank you, Merrill, for taking a look and giving a love for what You saw! Bill :^)
    2. fortapache fortapache, 9 months ago
      Great collection of cub stuff. They design of these and the badges were great.
    3. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 9 months ago
      I knew that it wouldn't be long Brian, before You saw this Post! Thanks for Your Comment! Bill :^D

      Thank You both for the love click, for this Scouting things Post. vcal, and Brian, it's always nice to get! Bill :^)
    4. dav2no1 dav2no1, 9 months ago
      Nice find. Very sad what's happening to the organization..
    5. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 9 months ago
      Thank You dav2no1, I searched for one of my tie clasps, but couldn't find one so had to tie it sort-of! :^D
      It is sad that the News seems to go for Bad in things, pointing out the Good, things isn't News, I learned a lot in the Cub Scouts, and did a lot of Fun things that I wouldn't have, without the Scouts, and Doing Good Deeds, whenever I could, and Respect for Others, and I think a Better Person, but School, and Work had to come first, so at 12, I couldn't continue into Boy Scouts! Bill :^)
    6. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 9 months ago
      Much Thanks, to You All, for taking the time, to check-out and add a love, for this Scouting Post, Jenni, Mike, Stuff, dav2no1, Drake, Kevin, and Riese, it's always nice to get, Bill :^)
    7. elanski elanski, 9 months ago
      Nice collection. Looks like an old one. 1940s?

      Do you know what the S and the blue cross badges on the pocket are for?
    8. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 9 months ago
      I do not know what the S and Cross or X are for elanski, but I think that You are right about the age, 40-50's, it's marked Portland (Oregon) I guess, since I found it at the Flea Market in California, could be Maine! :^D The badges could be Regional! Thanks for Your Comment, and love tap! Bill :^)

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