billretirecoll » collections



Bay Point, California

A retired carpenter 14yrs(now) from 33yrs work in the Union (Time flies when you're havin fun!). I've been a collector most of my life, worked for a antique/junque sA retired carpenter 14yrs(now) from 33yrs work in the Union (Time flies when you're havin fun!). I've been a collector most of my life, worked for a antique/junque shop from 12yrs old and got the bug :^) the owner Shirley would sell some of her better things in "collectors weekly" in the 1960's, a fun time to be a kid, makin a buck an hour. I was married over 36yrs, when on May 17th, 2022, my Wife was tragically taken from me, our 2 grown sons, daughter-in-law, 3 months before our first grandchild a beautiful Baby Girl, was Born, changing my life from husband to father, grandfather. We collected lots of things, but pottery and glass mainly, with aluminum, Couroc, and pocketknives, next in line, and now Jewelry as space grows short! LOL Collectors Weekly has been a great place for learning, about all the different things people collect, but mostly, about the friendly, and knowledgeable people here, willing to share that knowledge with you for free! :^D Doesn't get any better than that! Thanks to you all, friends, helping friends, and strangers alike with the things they love to collect! :^) (Read more)


  1. Thanks keramikos, for Your Story and the link! Yea I played more than a few games of Marbles, as a kid, back in Elementary school, in Concord, California, and I still have a few of those Marbles, but ...
  2. Thank you for stopping by for a look, and giving a love for what You saw, Merrill, dav2no1, Kevin (vetraio50), Peggy, Leelani, Sherrilou, and GianaMZ, it's Appreciated! Bill :^D Thanks, dav2no1, fo...
  3. Thank You Marin, I looked at some that look Like some of These, and some are very Pricey, but I'll have to find and take them to someone that can give me an idea of what they might be worth! Bill :^D ...
  4. Congratulations Michael, on Your 5th, 1st place Win! What a Beautiful Truck, and Motorcycle! :^D Bill :^)
  5. Thank You Kevin, for the love click, it nice of You! Bill :^)
  6. Thanks, John2Nhoj, for taking a Look and for the Information, it's Appreciated, Bill :^D Thank You for the love also, John. Bill :^)
  7. Hey Dc1982, we are not supposed to give a value, for anything here it's a Show and Tell site, Barnebys' charges for appraisals, but here's a site with similar type rings, to give You an idea of value:...
  8. Thank You for Your Comment Jenni, yes, I think so too, for both! Bill :^) Thanks to You all for stopping by for a Look, and leaving a love, Kevins (Vetraio, and kwqd), Brian, vcal, Jenni, Mike, Mer...
  9. Here's the link, for Park Lane Jewelry: Thanks for Looking, Bill :^)
  10. One more, this is the one that I did showing how it happens: There's links on both for more, and information,...
  11. Here's the one that was reposted, from 11yrs ago: Example! :^D
  12. There's lots these Posted on CW Shotinthedark, Dimes, Quarters, Nickles, Pennys too, most were caught in something that Spins! Like a Washer, a Dryer, someone said the coin wheel on a Slot Machine, an...
  13. Here's a link to one on Pic Click: I hope this helps! Bill :^)
  14. No, it's worth a Dime! :^D It got caught in a washer or dryer and spun the edge out! Bill :^)
  15. It was nice to be able to stop by Stone Light Tile Co, in San Jose, and meet the Owners, give them This Tile, and receive the Beautiful Dragonfly Tile, for my Granddaughter! Bill :^)
  16. It could be Bristol, but I think more Bohemian Glass, Good Luck Truthisanarrow08, I'm sure some will know! :^D Thanks for Posting this Beautiful Biscuit Jar! Bill :^)
  17. Here's a Remmington Boy Scout Knife that I put I posted 7 years ago, about the same age as Yours is WazinskiJ and I still carry it in my pocket every day, and I still get use out of it, scratching Lot...
  18. It's similar in color to an Opalescent White on Blue Glass hanging lamp that I posted, a couple months ago dated 1889, I think it's American Glass, yours looks like Murano possibly! Bill :^)
  19. If I knew Duhe, I couldn't tell You here on CW, that's what Barnebys' wants to do for You for a fee! :^D, Bill :^)
  20. Craftsman thread pitch tool: Bill :^)
  21. I really had never heard of Cold Cast porcelain before, and didn't know how it was done, so here's a Youtube video, about it (not really porcelain at all):
  22. Thanks Brian, I only asked about one of them, I glad that I bought them all, a little bird told me I think, or it could have been, All is a lot better than one! Bill :^D Thank You Jenni, it really ...
  23. Similar bike is a Huffy Slither 20" here's a Huffy on Ratrod:
  24. The one on flickr is white, has the same seat bracket, and a little different peddle sprocket, no front fender!
  25. S frame bicycle it came from California, over 30 years ago, one of 2 known to exist, the other one was in Chicago, from an google image search on flickr Hope this Helps, Bill :^)
  26. Thank You Jenni, just something a little different, now all I'm trying to do is stay Cool! Over 100, on the 3rd! Bill :^D Hey Kevin Thanks, the Patrick Henry Stamp works for that, Give me Liberty ....
  27. I don't think I'm going too far out on a limb, saying Yes Tracy, it is Antique, it looks late 1800's- early 1900's, so over 100 years! Just going by the style, and the wheels on the legs, there might ...
  28. Here's the link for the Information about Egg-o-see Cereal Company: Read the part that tells how they came up with Egg-o-see! :...
  29. What the previous comment is about was the 1950 copyright mark on the piece that I found online! Bill :^D
  30. This is from the: Full text of "Catalog of Copyright Entries, Third Series. Parts ... Internet Archive › stream This is what is written: BAKER, NOVA. Square dance souv...
  31. Wow, a Beautiful Crab Brooch Jenni, and nice size too! Thanks for posting, Bill :^)
  32. Thanks for taking a look and giving a love Vynil, very nice of You, Bill :^)
  33. Thank You kivatinitz, vintagelamp, and Vynil, for taking a look and giving a love tap, for what You saw, it's appreciated, Bill :^)
  34. Thank You vintagelamp, I think it Great too! Bill :^D Thanks for taking a look and giving a love for what You saw, vintagelamp, and Vynil, it's nice to get! Bill :^)
  35. I was thinking a paint can lid opener, but a search didn't bring up anything like it! Bill :^)
  36. You are right vintagelamp, it's very interesting, is it played using a bow? I checked out others online, and Yours is by far the nicest looking. :^D Thanks for posting, Bill :^)
  37. I don't know krysciobrad, there's a lot of these around, I have one in my hand right now, about 2 1/2 times the size of yours, 3 1/4" long with hieroglyphics on the bottom and top, carved the same! Th...
  38. I heard back from Stonelight Tile, and Yes, this Tile is an original S & S Tile Co. Tile, and can be found in the book from the tile heritage California Tile The golden era 1910-1940 Joseph A. Taylor ...
  39. Thank You Jenni, I found some more Jewelry Yesterday, I'll post some soon! Bill :^D Much Thanks for the love that You Gave, Merrill, Mike, dav2no1, Brian again, Kevin, Leesa, vcal, and Jenni, it's ...
  40. Just what the Tag says, it's a Wood Burning Stove made by the Auto Stove Works Company! Thanks for Posting, Bill :^D
  41. Thanks Brian, for being the first to look and, give a love for what You saw, Bill :^)
  42. Here's some information for ORA Jewelry: Thank You for looking, Bill :^)
  43. I do not know what the S and Cross or X are for elanski, but I think that You are right about the age, 40-50's, it's marked Portland (Oregon) I guess, since I found it at the Flea Market in California...
  44. I called it Vase, but what's the size of the Planter? Bill :^)
  45. There're ways to remove the green oxidation or corrosion, on copper, without ruining the desired patina, I'm not an expert, so that should be Your next Question Villaret! :^D It does depend on You, if...
  46. Marin (IronLace), comes through again with the information to mark it Mystery Solved! :^D Thanks for Posting, Hamish, the reason We come here to CW, and Show and Tell, It Works! Bill :^)
  47. Much Thanks, to You All, for taking the time, to check-out and add a love, for this Scouting Post, Jenni, Mike, Stuff, dav2no1, Drake, Kevin, and Riese, it's always nice to get, Bill :^)
  48. Thank You dav2no1, I searched for one of my tie clasps, but couldn't find one so had to tie it sort-of! :^D It is sad that the News seems to go for Bad in things, pointing out the Good, things isn't...
  49. Yes it's just another Seek and Find, Takeyourtime, thanks for Your comment! :^D Over the Years, I've given a few things to fortapache, because He's got such a large Collection of Scouting things hmm I...
  50. I knew that it wouldn't be long Brian, before You saw this Post! Thanks for Your Comment! Bill :^D Thank You both for the love click, for this Scouting things Post. vcal, and Brian, it's always n...
  51. See more


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