Budek » collections




Hello, I'm an artist, and I collect many different items; prints and drawings, glass, pottery, and paintings. I also have a lot of miscellaneous pieces of jewHello, I'm an artist, and I collect many different items; prints and drawings, glass, pottery, and paintings. I also have a lot of miscellaneous pieces of jewelry, a few wood carvings, a piece of antique scrimshaw, some furniture,..........I buy whatever strikes my fancy,( unfortunately too many things do ). The attic is full, the basement is full, there are things under beds, under all the furniture, on top of many pieces of furniture, on the stairs, I'm afraid that someday I'll come home to a big sink hole. With 2 new kittens I've had to box up a number of items, and have given several boxes of things away. I also sell some of my pieces on ebay to supplement my ' Sexton's' income. Thanks to all, feel free to be in touch if you have any information about any of my pieces or think I may be able to help you with information about yours. Tony. my e-mail is : uncleuncle@comcast.net (Read more)


  1. Beautiful!
  2. Wow! This is beautiful! So glad I came across it! Thanks
  3. Nice shape and color, and the cork is fantastic! Well done!
  4. Thanks to all for the loves, you’re all wonderful! Kevin? You’re fantastic!
  5. Thank you for the looks and loves. I wanted to let you all know that I found the artist’s name while scrolling through old photos on my phone. The painting’s by Frank Wasley, 1854 - 1934, a Brit...
  6. Thanks for the love, fortapache!
  7. Thank you, Kevin!, and thank you to everyone for the looks and loves
  8. Thanks for the love, fortapache!
  9. mp.kunst, you nailed it! Thanks for sharing this information, it was fascinating reading about the two artists as well!, I’m grateful to you. And thanks, Mike! for the love and helpful comment!
  10. Thank you, Newfld and DejaVu2 for the loves, greatly appreciated!
  11. Thanks for the love, vcal!
  12. Thanks for the comment, Mike, and thanks to everyone for the looks and loves
  13. Thank you kwqd, Deja u2, BHiFOS, and Newfld! Your looks and loves are much appreciated. And thank you kwqd for the comment and information, for shedding light on this little mystery. Best wishes all!
  14. Thank You PhilDMorris and mp.kunst for the comments and Thanks to all for the looks and loves! much appreciated!
  15. I’m touched by this, even brought a tear to my eye. And you’re a wonderful storyteller. Did you ever think about writing? I was interested from the first word to the last, Thank you and blessings to ...
  16. Michael, that was a great tip! I think it’s Karlsruhe pottery, date uncertain. I found pieces from the 20’s, 30’s, up to the 60’s. The label is definitely in an older style. We’ll see! Thank You!
  17. Thank you, Mike. The 40’s would fit. It has a thick cloth covered cord and a European plug, with an adaptor. I love the color, it has a darker shoulder. The harp is flat, the finial straight and plain...
  18. Thank you mikelv85 and dav2no1 for your help and everyone else for the looks and loves, all much appreciated!
  19. Absolutely fascinating, what a treasure!
  20. I loved the bowl before but knowing more about it I love it even more, thank you all!
  21. Thanks for the looks and loves! You gotta, Mike, kwqd, sherrilou, Tamasue, Kevin, and newfld! Much appreciated!
  22. Great information Mike, Thank you!!
  23. Thank you and happy birthday my friend!
  24. Thanks to all for the likes, loves, comments! Mikelv, feel free to drop me a line at the uncleuncle@comcast.net address, I'll fill you in on the last couple of years. I'd be happy to hear from anyon...
  25. a lot of beautiful qualities, Mike, glad to see you back! hugs
  26. Great Kevin, I love them!
  27. Hello Christie, Yes, the uncleuncle email is correct. I look forward to hearing from you, Sincerely, Tony.
  28. Hello Christie, Thank You for being in touch. No, I haven't received the email, could you re-send it? Take care
  29. it's incredible how quickly the ID was made. Thank You all for the loves, and thanks to mp.kunst, Kevin, and apostata for the helpful comments, greatly appreciated.
  30. Thank You for your comments, walksoftly and apostata. I'm sorry I'm so late to respond, I haven't been online very much these last couple of years. but the likes, loves and comments are much appreciat...
  31. Thank You for the kind comment, Newfld! much appreciate!!!
  32. Thanks to vcal, fortapache, aura, Kevin, and dav2no! for the looks and loves, much appreciated
  33. Beautiful, Sean!
  34. Watchsearcher and Valentino97 you’ve both been a tremendous help, Thank You! and Thanks to all for the looks and loves!, so much appreciated.
  35. Very interesting! Thank you again, Watchsearcher!
  36. Thank You so much, Watchsearcher! and Thank You!, fortapache, Newfld !!
  37. Thank you, Mrstyndall!
  38. ThankYou, Kevin ????????
  39. I ended my comment with Thankful, praying, hands,........I don’t know what the hell happened there, sorry. You are friends, and I am lucky
  40. Thank you fortapache, and thank you for the comment Kevin! That’s a great guess, it does look like Lipman. I’ll start there. Be safe, my friends????????
  41. I want to thank all of the lookers and loves. and Thank You, Sean and Kevin for the comments. Stay safe, all! Tony
  42. renedijkstra! Sorry that I didn't see your comment earlier. I really appreciate the time you took with this, it was very kind of you, Thank You so much!
  43. Dear renedijkstra! so kind of you to share this information. Thank You!
  44. and Thank You to aura, Kevin, fortapache, and SEAN, you're all wonderful!
  45. Thank You for the look and love, kwqd! Happy New Year, my friend!
  46. Thanks to everyone who responded, and Thank You, artfoot, for the comment. I appreciate you all.
  47. Thank You ho2cultcha and aura, your looks and loves are much appreciated!
  48. Thank You for the look and love, Valentino!!!
  49. Thank You, fortapache! much appreciated!!
  50. Thank You, Kevin! So happy to see your name! I hope you're having a good Winter.
  51. See more


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