cobaltcobold » collections




I love glass design after WW II. I am just a beginner.


  1. Isn't it strange that we are so lonely to love Wiesenthalhütte?
  2. So good to see you again here - long time ago. Will you post scandinavian items again soon or did you interests shift? I was rather absent, too.
  3. How did you find this fantastic item - I never saw it. You hat to teach me lessons.
  4. Very beautiful and very difficult to find.
  5. Fantastic. It's the first time, I see it.
  6. I like the ears!
  7. Dear Sean, yes, it's true, a long time. Dear Designqvist. So good to hear from you. You are right. A vase shold never be alone. I don't really have the ambition to really have all items of a series. B...
  8. They have a (seemingly) simple form. But you don't see them so often. Tamara Aladin has the most beautiful name of all glass designers! And she did some amazing designs.
  9. That's a nice story. You are really a Habsburgian!
  10. I would like to have a house with such a glass wall! Your collection is really special.
  11. It's a fantastic color!
  12. I have them too, in other colors! Reminds me that I wanted to present one or two pieces by WH also. WH is not enough aprreciated in this world.
  13. Stunning! Where do you get this stuff?
  14. They are really beautiful! Good to have them identified.
  15. Tell me, if you do so. I would like to come!
  16. Shouldn't you consider to rent some rooms in the Prado, for some space to expose your fantastic pieces?
  17. Thanky you for the compliment, inky, and thank you to you all for your loves!
  18. In fact, it's the contrary of what I remebered, but perhaps for the same rason, who knows.
  19. She's bigger than him, if not, he wouldn't sit - what do you think? It's like in the famous picture of Richard Wagner and Cosima:
  20. I've seen them from time to time, they are very nice, too:
  21. Turbinglas!
  22. I am not quite sure. I guess that Hovmantorp called it "Snoddas" and Gullaskruf "Turbinglas" or vice versa. Their products were very similar. Thanks for your loves and comments!
  23. I have the jug - but not the glasses! I always love WH-simplicity.
  24. Incredible.
  25. Incredible, what a collection!
  26. Very beautiful, really, and extremely rare.
  27. Finally, a glass piece! Yes, Nanny Still is trendy. I never saw this piece, though, it's really rare and very beautiful. I am asking myself why certain piecers are so sought after, and others, by othe...
  28. I don't know Spain at all, unfortunately. But there are other things I remember when I think of Spain in the Seventies for example the films of Carlos Saura with Geraldine Chaplin (she is still young...
  29. Excuse-me, I didn't read well. It's really a fine piece. Iwould really like to see a book or catalogue on Strömbergshyttan. They are special.
  30. I am really impressed. How big is it?
  31. Wow, that's stunning - surrealism in glass! It's a real challenge to take pictues of glass, and you managed it really well. There was this exhibition in Venice, last year http://www.lestanzedelvetr...
  32. French Ceramics of the 50s is gorgeous, but extremely expensive. Do you know this fantastic blog by Pascal Marziano: It's a wonderful source of information and in...
  33. Hm, Locato, that is an interesting commentary. But what do you want to say me with it. That it is not by Vicke Lindstrand. That the label is a fake? But it seems really to be old. And how do you comm...
  34. This is spectatcular. I've never seen it.
  35. I understand your pain! I like it very much to take pictures of my pieces. I have another vase by Ander, but I have to find some time to take pictures.
  36. Thanky you all for your loves! @racer, taht's very well said. @autro, I know this problem. In this case sending was more expensive than the item!
  37. How do I see the difference?
  38. I only have one!
  39. Impressing. Valentino is right.
  40. I would like to see more of his early work. And more glass for use - later on he did more experimental works for his vases.
  41. Dear Sean, vetraia, austro, hunter, racer and agh - thank you for loving it. Yes, it's a beauty! Lindstrand did so different things, he is really an interesting designer.
  42. I didn't buy since at least two weeks!
  43. I just commented. We had the same Idea.
  44. His name, I wanted to say. We should consider a group therapy. It's less expensive and more money is left for our vice.
  45. Could be Algimantas Zilys. Nobody knows his. But normally his pieces are signed. I am a fan:
  46. Could be Algimantas Zilys. Nobody knows his. But normally his pieces are signed. I am a fan:
  47. Thanks Sean and Icollect, and thanks for the invitation!
  48. Please send them. The Gralglas catalogue of 59/60 is really great design of the late Fifties. Some pieces are still a little conservative, but others strikingly modern.
  49. This Orange with black rim reminds me certain designs of Loetz which could be astonishingly modern. But I don't think it's Loetz, it's more like a quotation.
  50. Great collection. I love the glasses.
  51. See more




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