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Hyggelampe (ornamental lamp), Jacob Bang (Kastrup Glasværk, 1960)

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (584 items)

    This one is one of Denmark's best known candle lamp designs. It was produced by Kastrup Glasværk from 1960 1o 1976 and designed by the great Jacob Bang.

    They came in blue, green and red, with both parts in the same colour or mixed with an opaline shade. at, the Bible of Holmegaard glass for many of us, there is a shade in havana brown colour from the Næstved Museum, so I guess other rarer colours were made other than those three original ones.

    In the 1965 Kastrup catalogue these lamps appear as "havelamper" (garden lamps), and the bases appear as being made in the three colours (green -ref. 28560-; cobalt blue -ref. 58561- and red -ref.28562-) whereas the shade appears as only being made in opal -ref. 58563-. In later Holmegaard catalogues from 1967 onwards, they appear named as "hyggelamper" (ornamental lamps) and it looks like the base ans shade are sold together with the same reference numbers. I wish I could see those Holmegaard catalogue pages as on they only appear as to show the refferences, but one can't read anything on them as they're too small images.

    My lamp bears the blue KASTRUP-HOLMEGAARD label with crown... that I think it was used from 1965 to 1970, but there is no precise information about it. Mybe somebody can help about this particular subject.

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    1. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Thanks for your love SKLO and MIKE!!!!
    2. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Obrigado PAT!!!
    3. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Thanks for loving IVONNE!!!
    4. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
    5. jensen jensen, 10 years ago
      Hi austro - I apologise that this site is in Danish, but if you scroll down on the page you can see the Holmegaard labels with the years they were used. Perhaps that will help. Let me know if you need a translation of any of it! 'Hygge' is a special Danish concept which we very often refer to; it means something like 'coziness' and is often associated with friends, food - and candlelights! So presumably these lamps were meant to contribute to 'hygge'!
    6. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      AGH, MANI, DrFLUFFY and SEAN, thanks so much for lob¡ving!!!!

      JENSEN, thank you very, very much for the link. I remember having seen it long time before but couldn't get at it when I was writing this post... Now I must find out if my lamp has the darker label (1967-1975) or the lighter one (1960-1965), but won't be able to after Easter... I'll be able to see my whole collection again :) According to my picture, where the label cannot be seen properly, I think it's the 1967-1975 one.
    7. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      Great item and I love the color!
    8. jensen jensen, 10 years ago
      Well, apparently there are some subtle differences between the two labels. On the earlier one (ca. 1965-67) the 'inner circle' is 13 mm and the label doesn't have a number. On the later (ca. 1966-1975) one a number was added to the label, the 'outer text' changed a little, and the 'inner circle' now measured 14 mm. (that's what it says in the text on the page).
    9. cobaltcobold cobaltcobold, 10 years ago
      Fantastic. It's the first time, I see it.
    10. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago

      JENSEN, I'll take a look at it as soon as I'm able to. As for the translation of the "hygge", yes, I found two translations. One was "comfort lamp", the other one was the decorative thing.... I understood the first as a lamp that would look a cozy look at the room it's lit in, but it sounded strange to me... :)
    11. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 10 years ago
      Hi Austrohungaro, this is a very interesting post, thank you. May I ask, are Denmark known for lamp making?
      Only i have this one, not too dissimilar from yours, also Danish, I wonder do you think they date from around the same time?
    12. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 10 years ago
      Great comment & link by JENSON also. I love the Danish word 'Hygge' (new to me:) is that why these lamps are common from Denmark? The colour of them give off a very 'homely', nightlight like glow.
    13. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      I don't know FRAN, but if you allow me to, I will share the imagesat the Facebook group on Danish glass. I guess that amogst all we'll be able to answer your question.
    14. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 10 years ago
      Hi Austro, that would be great. I never knew such a group existed, I'm not a big fan of facebook, i use it for messaging people but little else. I find it hard to find things on there.

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