Posted 7 months ago
(3475 items)
Still yet another GI Joe 40th anniversary set. This one comes with many goodies. As it is the Communications set it has a radio and field telephone. It probably should have been the RTO set but Hasbro was not all that particular. Most of the equipment was based on equipment from a national guard unit. For the Marine sets they made them with a camo pattern. The M1 Carbine is a weapon an RTO would carry so they got that right.
The set also comes with a figure although the uniform color isn't right. I replace these with vintage uniforms. Also noting the cover of the box features a Marine Paratrooper. That was very short lived in WW2. There were 5000 Marine paratroopersthey were used one time and the project abandoned. But no one is perfect.
Really cool camo communication set in last photo, nice Joe accessories here
Good set and your Joe knowledge always impresses.
Thank you very much Newfld.
And thank you very much elanski. You are too kind.