Posted 12 months ago
(1 item)
My father died recently and I found this in a box with his other treasures - wedding ring bronzed baby shoes, war medal, framed photos...and this key. I've never seen it before. I'm very curious but have not been able to find out much.
Welcome to CW. Nice Key. Should find some answers here.
It could be the key for the door off old armoire or other furniture, study, desk, etc.
Can't read it..can you tell us what the words are..
Is it molded on both sides? Based on the number on it, it may have had some commercial purpose, office key, room key, etc.
Text looks like German... Hof translates as "yard". Cannot make out the first two words..... Tranf Fracker? Just a WAG.
The use of that key does not look like a piece that would open a cabinet. My antique cabinets always had different keys but the tiny folds on the tip make it seem the use is for something else. A gorgeous key for a collector, lucky you !