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Antique Qing dynasty Canton enamel box.

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Chinese Boxes41 of 139Antique Canton enamel box, when a kyratisation fail...Fine 19th/20th C Asian Antique Chinese Hand Carved Wood Card Case Canton Box
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (436 items)

    This nice unusual Chinese enamel box appealed me...

    I intended to repair the enamel, of course ;-)

    I love the yin/yang pink enamel inside!

    7.5cm by 5.5cm.

    Kyratisation pics on next post!

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    1. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago
      I like these little enameled pieces, but keep them as they are, I always feel that if I try to repair them, that I'd end up ruining them! Nice find though! :^)
    2. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      Ooh, Bill, please show us your enamels!
      This is my first Canton enamel, I love them.
      Thank you!

      Jenni, many thanks for loving the wounded box :-))
    3. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago
      That would be a chore to find them, but maybe some day! You'll have to give me some time! 3 full sheds, a garage, and house...20? no 32 more years, I'll find them somewhere! &:^D
    4. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago
      Pascale! I really like the way you photographed this, how do you get that effect? :^)
    5. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      I must say these pics are from the listing... so, credit and compliment goes to the seller!
    6. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      Ha! You are full of treasures then... May I come and help you in the hunting?
    7. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago
      It would be a fun pick Pascale, every time I go through it I find treasures lost! :^)
    8. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      It reminds me of Chintzware, in the chinese manner of coarse !
    9. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 7 years ago
      Just gorgeous. I love the interior as well!
    10. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      Phil, you're right! It does look as an embroidered fabric :-D

      Betweenhelens, thank you so much for your kind comment! I love too the yin/yang interior and this sweet pink color!
    11. apostata apostata, 1 month ago
      IMO as far as i know this is an excellent evaluation , , i have experts seen dating this is as qianlong which IMO is a major blunder

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