Posted 12 years ago
(728 items)
HELLO!!! WOW! Who made these?, Where made?? When?? These are not toys, mother of pearl inlaid! The box is quality, felt inside and compartment for each instrument! Le4ss than 2 inches long, all have strings, well need help with this!! These instruments are So. Amer.? or East. Eur.?? ALSO I am looking for 10 RATS that can play!! Forming the NEW For Real RAT PACK!! Going on the Road to Riches, So Information appreciated!! Don
WOW! is about all I can come out with.
I was shocked when they arrived! Really beautiful! I think a master craftsman that made instruments saved pieces from big ones and made these! The mother of pearl is best I have ever seen! Thanks!!
Simply amazing craftsmanship.
Thank you! I was amazed when it arrived!!!
I have a similar set of inlaid instruments, but there are only 6+ a bow. Also the box has a clear window so they can be displayed.
Thank you!
This one-of-a-kind handmade miniature instrument was artistically handcrafted by Mexican folk artist Pedro Pedraza Salvador from Mexico City, who sadly passed away over a year ago. However, his gift of creative artistry and craftsmanship lives forever in his work. This is your opportunity to own one of his pieces. Pedro Pedraza Salvador is known for his delicate Mexican handicrafts such as small boxes, frames for mirrors of varying shapes and sizes, crosses, picture frames and above all the range of musical instruments which include violins, guitars, harps and zithers. Each is a delight for the eyes and sought after by collectors of miniatures.
Stunning.......God they are so very small. Amazing Collection !!!!!!
Thank you!
Thanks Thomas
I have a set similar but the case is different it's standing up right an circalier an it has 6 musical instruments an I bolth the case an the instruments are lined with mother pearl????