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Pair of Satsuma Vases

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Asian Vases849 of 1097Tall Asian? vaseChinese Porcelain  10" Baluster Vase/ Hand Painted / Marked W "U" /Unknown Age
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (107 items)

    Pair of 6" Satsuma vases I have owned for several years. Bought from a friend's antique/junk store. This design has always confused me. I can never remember whether it is Satsuma or Imari. Thanks for correcting me. I am changing the listing info.

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    1. Stillwater Stillwater, 11 years ago
      These are Satsuma
    2. Vintage_Joe Vintage_Joe, 11 years ago
      Any stamps on the botton? Maybe Satsuma repro from 1930's.
    3. BigTex BigTex, 11 years ago
      Vintage Joe, have added a pic of the marks on the bottom. These marks mean nothing to me. I really appreciate your input. Hopefully, you can get a little info from them. Any ideas on whether these are 1930's repos? I had thought they were older than that, it never occurred to me they might be that late. The painting is very detailed and rich. Would a better photo help you with the 1930's repro opinion?
    4. Stillwater Stillwater, 11 years ago
      Yeah thats a Satsuma mark
    5. BigTex BigTex, 11 years ago
      Thanks for the info, JW. I always had a gut feeling they dated to about 1880-1890 (just based upon the painting and design)
    6. Vintage_Joe Vintage_Joe, 11 years ago
      Look this site:
      Stamp 885 is very similar. This kind of stamp it is widely used in 1900-1930(several studio's).
      I have collected japanese and chinese ceramics for several years now.
      It is always hard to say sure from photo, but difficulty of asian ceramics is reproduction of old items. They copy stamps too.
      I don't want disdain any items here, anyway these vases are very good find to anyone today.
    7. BigTex BigTex, 11 years ago
      Thanks for the interest. I know marks are sort of questionable on many Asian items. It is interesting there might be such a large difference in the age depending on the opinion. I'd be happy to try to take a couple of more detailed pics if anyone is interested. This is what I like about collecting items, I learn something every day.
    8. Stillwater Stillwater, 11 years ago
      You've gotten quite a bit of info already, the ball's in your court now in terms of researching
    9. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      you could be right , but i don,t see anything wrong with it, MOn = present, no shiny nimbus , dark extended eyebrows , pierced eyes, , i think we have to upgrade to meijji
    10. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      insert hashimoto database
    11. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      remarkable conclusion of vintage joe , who assumed the run out of this piece could be SHOWA 1 ? an two character inside Mmon -and outside Mon luster SHOZAN MARK

      Probably he did,not sample or gat etymological problems, THe ZAn character is universal , but the SHO character aint

      so you have to use ( Gotheborg ) which is 9 out of 10 completely useless, they coul,NOTnot even DATE and SAMPLE there own SHOZAN !!!!!!!!
      and you get the idea that there are 2 ways of etymological SHOzan , which is totally BS because there are 11 types of SHOZAN

      So you to use HAshimoto database and that,s what GOtheborg ought to do, becauuse the got paying subscribers

      IMO the very worst it could,be Taisho 1 , but very likely MEijji

      VINTAGE JOE there is no sampling early SHOWA this way ( it is an ferro double MON) !!!!!!!!!!

    12. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      addendum mejji late 19 century

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