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Bat Bronze Ashtray/Pintray approx 4 x 2.5"

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Animals6843 of 8348Horse StatueLoetz Figural (Elephant), Cristall Glatt, Prod. Nr. I-4821, ca. 1920s - Another Elephant in the Room
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (158 items)

    Bat bronze ashtray/pintray ......................................................................................................................................................................................

    Mystery Solved
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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      interesting =stunning:)
    2. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 11 years ago
      Thx Dr Fluff, Sean 68
    3. pops52 pops52, 11 years ago
      I love this kind of stuff! Thanks for sharing.
    4. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 11 years ago
      Anyone have any thoughts on this piece ??
    5. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      Well it has to be what the date is 1801?
    6. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      Did you have anyone else look at this!!!
    7. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 11 years ago
      Its been on this sight for 6 months.........Professionally no I havent.....
    8. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      I would have a professional look at this.
    9. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 11 years ago
      Thank you.....
    10. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Okay... Pi omega is a African American fraternal society...looked it up. However I doubt it has been around since 1801. Maybe a different type of society...
      Was going to suggest Pi Omega as the society and AM as the person who owned or received the ashtray.
    11. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 11 years ago
      Thanks..........very helpful....
    12. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Just me guessing or speculating. I'll keep thinking about it. Not my usual treasure but I find it spectacular. I'd start with the date and what societies were around.
      What makes you say Harvard?
    13. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 11 years ago
      Something my Dad hinted at......thank you
    14. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 11 years ago
      The AM may stand for A Mason.....Not convinced 18 01 is an actual date yet.....

      So suggested by the above, the rituals of Phi Sigma Omega appear to be based, judging by bookplates and other ephimera, partly on Osiris. However, the watered blue ribbon does suggest a reference to the Garter. There may have been a link with a male relative of Claire Wunder McArdle -- she was one of the more enigmatic founders of Phi Sigma Sigma which was incorporated in 1913 in New York City as Phi Sigma Omega, until, when trying to have it incorporated, the members learned that the named Phi Sigma Omega was already in use. Both Phi Sigma Omega and Phi Sigma Sigma use a Sphinx as a symbol, but of course so do many other fraternal groups. The society's rituals may also relate to the Shriners. The grand scribe of New York physician Walter M. Fleming and actor Billy Florence , both Masons, created the Shrine fraternity in the late-19th century. According to Shrine history, Florence chose the Middle Eastern theme after attending an Arab diplomat's party in France . Guests became members of a secret society after an ornate ceremony. Florence made note of the ceremony, and later worked with Fleming to create Shrine rituals. In 1872, 13 Masons formed the first Shrine Temple , Mecca Shriners, in New York City -- which still exists. The order's initials, A.A.O.N.M.S. are arrangable into A MASON.
    15. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 11 years ago
      Hi truthisanarrow08, bats have always been a fav animal of mine. This is lovely, i love his face!
    16. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 11 years ago
      Thanks PDMA and V-Fran...........Phil I definitely will do so........Fran....So then your fav super hero would be Bat Man or Bat again.......
    17. Imbearly1, 11 years ago
      This is most likely a Bradley & Hubbard pin tray. I have seen several of them in my lifetime and several on ebay. Not all of them are marked on the back. Some are brass, bronze or cast iron. The most popular ones were made as a promotional item for Reading Hardware Co. of Reading PA. I will be posting a photo of my bat inkwell which is also made from the same basic shape. Mine has a number stamped on the base (1463).
    18. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 11 years ago
      Thank you very much ........Imbearly1
    19. TallCakes TallCakes, 11 years ago
      perhaps that is Lamda Mu on one side and Pi Omega on the other: Lamda Mu chapter of Pi Omega, or not?????
    20. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 7 years ago
      Like a bat outta hell
    21. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      ever so cute the natural world vampires moonlit as they dance in cool dark skys feeding off their prey of night
      object d'art fantastic !!!!!!!!
      thruthisanarrow08 oh splendid thanks for sharing

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