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Grandfather and his plane...

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Photographs5011 of 5188Card to a family member..Collage of my Grandfather...
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (91 items)

    The photo is dated April, 1947 on the back. I don't know anything else about it. My grandfather was in the USMC. Thanks for looking!

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    1. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
      I would too, but it's a fairly small photo. My dad was born 7 months after this was taken. It's neat to know that my grandmother was carrying him and there my grandfather is off doing what supported the family and what he loved.
    2. officialfuel officialfuel, 14 years ago
      Great Picture!
    3. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
      Thanks official! I just love it!
    4. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Wouldn't it be nice to have your grandfather's Navy & Marine Corps issue G-1 leather jacket that he wearing in this photo. Great photo to have.
    5. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
      That would be absolutely awesome to have! After he passed away I asked his "wife" at the time if I could have his dress USMC uniform. She said no, she later donated it to charity!!! She wasn't very nice to the family after my grandfather passed. It made me sick to my stomach.... still does.
    6. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      It's been said that we have memory so we can have roses in December. These things we collect are but trinkets given to us for a while. No one can take our memories from us.
    7. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
      Exactly right Savoy. I have 26 years of memories with my grandfather. That lady he was married to when he passed was only in his life for 3 years. She may have taken all the material things, but I have what is best..... all the memories! :)
    8. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
      She was at least good to him when I went to visit. I hope she was good to him when I wasn't there too.
    9. Dickytheboy50 Dickytheboy50, 14 years ago
      I always like old photoes
    10. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
      Me too, they just seem more "real" to me.... if that makes sense. lol
    11. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
      You can say that again!

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