Savoychina1 » collections



North Carolina


  1. This vase was made by Cameron Clay Products of Cameron, West Virginia. The shape number is from the Keynote line that Belle Kogan designed for Connecticut Roseville. Nice vase!
  2. Both of these planters were made by Cameron Clay Products not McCoy. CCP has a FB page and group.
  3. Let me set the record straight. This piece was made by Cameron Clay Products of Cameron, WV. When you see, "24 KT GOLD MADE IN U.S.A.," it is a CCP piece. That label is proprietary to CCP. McCoy use...
  4. Look up Gonder Collector. I believe this is a Gonder lamp.
  5. This lamp was made by Deena Products.
  6. This lamp was made by Deena Products.
  7. This lamp is made by Deena Products.
  8. The lamp is made by Deena Products. Check FB groups for vintage lamps and shades.
  9. Most likely by Deena Products.
  10. This is a piece of Fredericksburg Art Pottery Company (FAPCO) pottery made in Fredericksburg, Ohio. Belle Kogan designed it. There is no Frederickson pottery. FAPCO has a Facebook group.
  11. The lamps are indeed by Deena Products.
  12. OMG, has it been 10 years already? It turns out that Savoy was made by Deena Products, a lamp manufacturer. The main office was in Chicago but the plants were in Paducah and Arlington, Kentucky
  13. Visit Savoy China on Facebook. Also Deena Products, its parent company.
  14. This and all pieces marked, "24 KT GOLD MADE IN USA" were made by Cameron Clay Products of Cameron, WV. Savoy did use 24 kt gold but used paper labels.
  15. TY caperkid.
  16. Thanks all!
  17. aghcollect TY vetraio50 always a pleasure sean68 TY
  18. As always, Vetraio50, I am a fan. Thank you! Thanks also, Kyratango for your input.
  19. Fredericksburg Art Pottery Company (FAPCO) in Fredericksburg, Ohio. They have a Facebook page.
  20. Thanks, Scott.
  21. These belonged to a friends father. They wanted me to see what I could find out.
  22. Gonder pottery mold E-71
  23. This has been most interesting. The largest part of his papers is at the Houghton Library at Harvard. I spoke with the president of the Bremen Historical Society in Maine and he was at the old Samuel ...
  24. Thanks ho2cultcha and clockerman. Thanks TA for the site.
  25. Thanks ramma and race4four. Rama, lol, I think you're right!
  26. Thanks all for the "love". Thanks TubeAmp for the info. So apparently I have stumbled across the receipt book of a man who was given his Naval Commission by George Washington! A man who captured more ...
  27. I have always lived with the rule, "If I have it it it isn't worth anything and if you have it it is worth a fortune". Further proof. I have a voicemail from the United States Department of State wa...
  28. There is/was an English Savoy China which well may have had a book written about it.
  29. I often ran into these as "Savoy" when I was searching for American Savoy. here is a nice article.
  30. James Murphy, noted Ohio pottery expert, found this piece with a "Shanghai" foil label used by Joan Lea Creations. He attributed this piece as an unmarked piece of Fredericksburg Art Pottery Company (...
  31. Vetraio50...I picked up a copy of "Completely Parsed Caesar, Gallic War, Book I, With Interlinear and Marginal Translations" 1898. Of course, I thought of you! Enjoy your Holiday.
  32. Vetraio50, and to you! Maestro, music...
  33. If they were vases, You would be right! Technically they are Deena China, the name used by Deena Products for their lamps. Many of the lamp bodies were also made as vases under the Savoy China label....
  34. light off...
  35. Can you get a picture with the light of so we can see the lamp?
  36. The two lamps on the right match a lamp listed in the book for Fredericksburg Art Pottery Company. They list it in turquoise and say it also comes in white, green, and black. You can contact them thro...
  37. Thank you aghcollect and vetraio50.
  38. don't know but check this out...
  39. It's a start!
  40. The bases suggest two different potteries. Your cat has a "dry" foot so it can sit flat while being fired. The Gonder has three points where it sat on stilts so the glaze would cure on the bottom.
  41. Who copied whom ?
  43. Show them the lamp!
  44. LOL...Senior moment...Jose Villa Lobo Alfredo Thomaso Vincente Lopez was by Rex Allen not Jim Reeves.
  45. Jim Reeves is perhaps my all time favorite singer. Distant Drums, Blue Side of Lonesome and of course Jose Villa Lobo Alfredo Thomaso Vincente Lopez ! Thanks for the posts!
  46. katie3235, Thank you for sharing that information. PLEASE visit Deena Products on Facebook so we can learn more.
  47. Donkey/cart in pic #1 produced by both Fredericksburg Art Pottery Company and Cameron Clay Products. Monkey planter, pic #3 produced by FAPCO Couple in pic #4 produced by both CCP and FAPCO ...
  48. I repliedChiquita, Actually the Declaration was signed on the 4TH. The Liberty bell was rung on the 8TH to call the people together for the first public reading of the Declaration. Could it ...
  49. From Chiquita Prestwood, past President of the McCoy Collectors Society... yes it was produced both ways. let me see if i can get this straight! Leslie Copes who designed a lot...
  50. Visit or Cameron Clay Products on Facebook. CCP pieces are frequently attributed to HULL, Shawnee, or McCoy because people haven't heard of them. Cameron often used a dry foot ...
  51. See more


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