Posted 11 years ago
(650 items)
I just bought this at a yard,oops, estate sale yesterday! It appears to be some sort of a ships stores log ? Perhaps it is just a personal log.
It is 14 inches by 6 inches and leather bound. It is unusual in that it is written in both from the front and from the back. When I say "from the back" I mean that if you hold it with the spine to your right hand and open it as you would a Japanese or Hebrew book there are entries. The middle section of the book is devoid of writing.
The back cover has the words Bristol Maine written on it. The front cover is blank.
The predominant name in the book seems to be Samuel Tucker. ??? ???
The entries are from 1789 to the 1830's.
wow!!! and wow!!!!!!!!
Yes, that's his receipt book. Very nice.
Thanks all for the "love". Thanks TubeAmp for the info. So apparently I have stumbled across the receipt book of a man who was given his Naval Commission by George Washington! A man who captured more enemy guns at sea than any other during the American Revolution. I'm thinking it must be worth twice the $5 I paid for it!!!
That was a nice find
I think it could be more worth then the 10 $ you suggest, way more
Thanks ramma and race4four. Rama, lol, I think you're right!
This was a sad time for him. You can read about his troubles:
Great find.
Very nice slice of History
Thanks ho2cultcha and clockerman. Thanks TA for the site.
This has been most interesting. The largest part of his papers is at the Houghton Library at Harvard. I spoke with the president of the Bremen Historical Society in Maine and he was at the old Samuel Tucker farm when I called!