rniederman » collections



Profile pic is a selfie made at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (Oct. 2021) ... I am a specialist in pre-1900 American wood and brass cameras. Since the announcement ofProfile pic is a selfie made at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (Oct. 2021) ... I am a specialist in pre-1900 American wood and brass cameras. Since the announcement of the first commercial photographic process in January 1839, cameras have played an important part in the recording of history and culture. After 35+ years of collecting, I've acquired some of America's rarest wooden cameras and worked to uncover their fascinating stories. Take a moment and tour these beautifully crafted cameras that are considered the grandfathers of digital photography. I specialize in pre-1900 wooden cameras - the earlier the better - and enjoy researching and documenting their history. I am always looking for early wood & brass cameras and ephemera, as well as meeting the next generation of camera collectors and sharing the lore and legacy of early apparatus! (Read more)


  1. Thanks, Henry!
  2. Thanks! chen50 rgrebov Drake47 Merrill33 jscott0363 Tilted vetraio50 Vynil33rpm dav2no1 DejaVu2 Newfld vcal fortapache BHIFOS Toyrebel2
  3. Thanks! jmillersmugs rgrebov Michael mcheconi
  4. Thanks, DejaVu2!
  5. Thanks! Reise kwqd Merrill33 vetraio50 dav2no1 vcal fortapache Vynil33rpm BHIFOS Tilted Newfld
  6. Thanks! prettymollie Leelani Drake47 Michael sherrilou Tilted Newfld fortapache vcal Merrill33 kwqd vetraio50 dav2no1 Vynil33rpm keramikos
  7. Glad you found the camera and the flash. Love the big lens ... never seen one before. I also didn't know about the three different runs. Thx!
  8. Thanks! prettymollie Reise rgrebov vcal Merrill33
  9. See more