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Interested in quality Art Nouveau antiques, particularly Continental art glass, ceramics and decorative metal works that are directly attributable to notable artistsInterested in quality Art Nouveau antiques, particularly Continental art glass, ceramics and decorative metal works that are directly attributable to notable artists/designers of the period. Contact: (Read more)


  1. Hi, Djaydjo. I'd love to see yours for comparison purposes.
  2. I wasn’t certain about the Tiffany attribution, but it just looked and felt right. That it came out of a good collection added some confidence, but because I wasn’t absolutely certain I dropped out ea...
  3. I was one of your underbidders. You got a steal in a well publicized and attended auction. A rarity in of itself. What about the other vase in the lot? What did that one turn out to be?
  4. The Renaissance-type scene across the top. The casket itself is probably German and about 30 years later.
  5. Thanks, Sean. I just wish I knew who made it!!
  6. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. It is great to see the same form, but different glaze. The competing and shared labels underneath provide insight into this ceramic production.
  7. BTW - do you think Axel Jensen is one in the same as Axel P. Jensen, the Danish landscape painter?
  8. Just added an Axel Jensen for Ipsen’s Enke figural piece to my collection. You mentioned in the article above access to the Ipsen’s Enke catalogs. Do you have a listing for PIE crown marked XVI nr. ...
  9. Spectacular!
  10. Wonderful piece, Warren. So, did Moser have a hand in the pitcher design, as well?
  11. Also, I would add that the original image of the Byzantine woman was likely modeled by Sarah Bernhardt, Mucha's muse and important patron.
  12. By Mucha-inspired, I mean that it was not rendered/sculpted by Mucha, but would have been signed so as to not infringe upon any French trade mark.
  13. This piece is not by Mucha, but is Mucha-inspired. The Byzantine woman seen here was a very popular motif, first created by Mucha, but then used for everything from biscuit tins, plaques and platters...
  14. Wonderful information, Historismus! My piece is in Goldcypern, while the other book example in the photographs above is in Bronzecypern, based upon your description.
  15. Here's another Langlade if you haven't seen it yet:
  16. Never mind about the dimensions...didn't read thoroughly enough. Sorry.
  17. BTW - come on over and join us in the Art Nouveau Ceramiques Group on FB.
  18. Wonderful piece! I had it on my queue myself! What are the dimensions? He did a wonderful job with the glaze on this double gourd form.
  19. Maybe Wetzel references the foundry or manufacturer?
  20. My pleasure, VintageFran. Warm regards.
  21. Wonderful lamp! It is probably a piano lamp given the low, extended profile.
  22. Looks French to me in the style of the Ecole de Carries.
  23. The brassy color is where it was over-cleaned before. Condition-wise that not as big of a problem as the bronze disease.
  24. You have already answered your question. It is indeed a shell from a turbo mamoratus snail. I have an alabaster carved lamp that has one of these as the shade (see my collection on CW). The shell f...
  25. BTW - if it were mine, I would have moved it indoors years ago. That blue green patina is actually bronze disease/damage from being subjected to wet conditions over the decades.
  26. Blunderbuss is correct. Antique Roadshow appraisers consistently over-estimate auction/selling values. And, why wouldn't they? Many have a vested financial interest in seeing the values of items ri...
  27. Very pretty!
  28. Hi. I'm not certain about your second question, but I suspect not. I don't believe that overlay was conducted on glass that wasn't fully cooled. Any cracking that might occur as a result of overlay...
  29. Any thoughts on who sculpted and/or produced this piece?
  30. It's the serial production aspect that puzzles me, because if there are multiples then it should be easier to attribute (or at least find other unattributed examples). BTW - this was purchased at a G...
  31. Thanks again. I do value your input. And, if your CW handle suggests it, I would love to see your pottery collection!
  32. Thanks for the advice, Robalbhen. At some point I may be able to find an attribution, but I'm curious how it can be so authoritatively dismissed as not being by Dufrene if it can't be definitively at...
  33. Thank you for the compliments. She's one of my favorites. Surprisingly, she was found on eBay!
  34. A nice example of commercial Stile Liberty Italian design. Probably relatively rare too in that condition.
  35. Thanks, Sean68!
  36. The enamel in the hammered recesses is particularly nice. The form looks like something that the Darmstadt School would have designed.
  37. High secessionist style!
  38. I've seen a vase of the same huge size and decor in an antique shop in the US. It was labeled as Loetz, but when I inquired about it years ago with the glasshounds, it was the consensus that the piec...
  39. I suspect Royal Dux. Probably German or Bohemian.
  40. Wonderful! Quite rare to gave the paper label.
  41. I've had something similar in the past, and after much research and calling around it was ultimately determined that it was likely Scandanavian (or Scandanavian-American) folk art. I would recommend ...
  42. Not Loetz, but meant to approximate a Loetz peacock decor vase. Pretty nice quality. Modern Bohemian glass.
  43. Very nice indeed! Did it come framed like this? The surrounding matte looks like it could be WW too. I find it curious that it is stamped on the front. This is suggestive of the rendering being fr...
  44. Great piece!
  45. Amazing! I think I remember seeing this piece up on the block recently. Kicking myself.
  46. I haven't seen this one before Fledermaus, but I agree with Sean68. It's wonderful. It strikes me as being possibly Deco period. The straps across the chest and rendering remind me of WPA/Diego Riv...
  47. International Netsuke Society (INS). They have a good forum with helpful people. It would be worth getting their opinion. I'm not aware of typical wear patterns in amber, so I can't speak to the pi...
  48. Vetraio50, I believe, it right it is from the Art Nouveau era, but I think it may be from the British Arts & Crafts arm of that era. It could also be American circa 1910s.
  49. Paul Arthur's book won't be free. It's running ~$98.00 on Amazon with a release date anticipated in late Summer. I really like this form. If it had a matte green glaze on it, you could almost i...
  50. LOVED Weird War. Also was a big fan of Kubert's Haunted Tank.
  51. See more


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