Agustin » collections



Funes, Santa Fe, Argentina

Antiques dealer, some czech glasses and curiosities collector


  1. @Truthordare !!! Thank you very much, yes is a Rindskopf hyacint !!
  2. Dear Friends, I am disappointed...Is a fake from Samson !!!!. Imitating the seals of HILDESHEIM from 1760.
  3. Kiva, IS A REAL GIFT !!! Congratulations !!!
  4. Hoooooooooo !!!!! WONDERFULLLLLLLLLLLL !!!! fantastic !!!!!
  5. Many Thanks to Truthordare and Golgatha, The piece is very heavy and has a mold mark that divides it into two parts. The decoration seems to Meissen of 1700, but the brand totally disconcerts me. Th...
  6. Thank you very much
  7. antiquerose, You were right !!! congratulations !!!
  8. Hi IVAN49, I know a forum for consultation. I will send it when I does find the address again (I forget it). In my books I find nothing. Thanks
  9. Dear IVAN 49. Your description is "Perfect" Thank you for solve my mistery !!
  10. Thank you Sean !!
  11. Thanks for all. David, has been help me with documentation.
  12. Hola Kiva, como estas tanto tiempo. Como le dije a Sean, creo que es Baccarat por el peso, por el color y por el gran espesor del cristal. He chequeado todos los catalogos del Passauer Glass Museum y ...
  13. Thank you SEAN68, I believe is Baccarat for the weight and the quality, but I can not find the pattern. Thank you again,
  14. Thank you Kiva, it is not uranium, I checked.
  15. Antiquerose, Rick55, nutsabotas6 , Thank you very much !!!
  16. Hi antiquerose, thank you !!! The vase was kept in a glass case for over 60 years. Is intact, like new. I only have cleaned with glass cleaner. It was full of nicotine. Everyone smoked in esta fami...
  17. Thank you !!
  18. Hi, for the haida my email is my regards Ag
  19. Here is the explantion of MAGISTRONI.
  20. Thank you Hornet, yes part of crank set is Italian MAGISTRONI, but all the rest if it si french. Thank you again.
  21. Very very desirable !!!
  22. Fijate tambien en esta direccion una pieza de Alphonse Cytere
  23. Hola Kiva, no alcanzo a ver la marca, seria bueno que pusieras una foto mejor para poder ayudarte. Tengo una corazonada, busca en las ceramicas de Clement Massier ??? esta tiene muchisimo parecido con...
  24. Thank you, the accent !!!
  25. Thank you Paris1925. !!!
  26. Maravilloso !!!
  27. Excellent !!! Congratulations
  28. Thank your very much !!!
  29. Dear mcheconi, Thank you for the great work, you've had in order to clarify the matter of the bicycle. I could not thank you before because I was with a few drawbacks. My very best regards. An...
  30. Thank you Sean the categorie is wrong in the other Post. !!!
  31. Thank you !!!
  32. Thank you Sean
  33. Dear Vetraio !!! I remember when I see the palm!!! In a oroplastik Moser garland with elephants and palms in a little bow made in blue glass. EUREKA !!
  34. Dear Vetraio, thank you. No, here would write Cristal de Bohemia, never Bohemian Crystal, and Checoslovaquia not Czechoslovakia - In another hand I remember see the palm tree in another glass. Tha...
  35. Hola kivatinitz, gracias por la ayuda. El diseño es identico al que me mostras. Seria bueno poder identificar la etiqueta. Ahora voy a abrir otra pregunta publicando solo la etiqueta. Recuerdo que en...
  36. Thank you veloceraptor !!! I have two vases with the same design. Many thanks
  37. Yes Vetraio50, is a Kralik Bambus
  38. Thank you, Very much
  39. Thank you Tom !!! Happy 2014 for you and your family !!!
  40. Hi Inky !!! Thank you . Is really rare.
  41. Thank you Parkerhouse, the tall H. 27 cm. = 10.75 inch. I will search poland crystal, RGDS.
  42. Thank you Leah.
  43. Thank you, is really wonderful.
  44. Yes is acid stamped as some Schneider vases. Thank you.
  45. Jajajajajaja !!! Thank you.
  46. I believe Kralik.
  47. Is the same decoration of my vase!!! Thank you
  48. Thank you very much !!!
  49. Jerecko, ya te lo vendi a ti hace varios años !!!!
  50. Hello, your tray not is silver. It is silver plated. The silverplate is removed. Regards Ag
  51. See more


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